Yesterday I saw the God-awful Eclipse movie - I was so bored and couldn't stop thinking about how wooden the characters are. That Bella Swan is the most vapid character I've ever seen - who knows why she has two boys chasing her and I can't even get one. I grit my teeth and told myself that I was watching this film for charity (I actually was). I was refreshed to see Jacob shirtless several times. There is actually a website dedicated to Taylor Lautner shirtless! Who knew!
Today I rested up and did a few domestic things - cooking, a bit of tidying and picked up my layby.
I am involved in running a large event tomorrow and my organisation's big boss is in town tomorrow for another event, so I will power dress for the occasion. I am channeling Julia Gillard's ambition and my own corporate style.
This top was a bargain $30 at the fashion emporium I call Target. It is a deep blue, a bit Cue-esque. I love Target's trickery of being able to stock clothes that look like I've purchased something from Cue but at a fraction of the cost.
My friend and I once went shopping for an outfit for her. I was proud to choose this top for her - it was the only one on the rack. I desperately wanted one of my own, and for weeks I reminded her of the ultimate sacrifice I made by allowing her to have the top. Then, one day there were a heap of these tops on the rack, and at a reduced price, so I put it on layby pronto.
I didn't think something for $30 was an appropriate amount to layby, I could have just bought the top outright. So when I saw this skirt, I put it on layby too.
And to tie it altogether, my trusty blue Temt trench with the Untamed Menagerie elephant brooch.
The big boss should be impressed should he see me tomorrow. I will try to get an outfit shot (of myself) and post it here.
I cooked a three course dinner. Potato, leek and cauliflower soup.
Lamb cutlets and vegetables.
I believe we need to grow bigger lambs because these cutlets are miniscule.
I know, the vegies are McCain specials. Still, I seasoned them with lime juice.
I also made bread and butter pudding, because I read Sydney Shop Girl's blog. And so should you. Read her blog and make pudding. SSG actually made bread and butter muffins.
I had almost a whole loaf that was going a bit stale. So I greased a tart dish, cut and buttered the loaf and lined the dish.
I used some delicious real fruit conserve. It is wild blueberry.
I made a custard of beaten eggs, full cream milk, sugar, lemon rind and vanilla essence. I covered the bread with the custard mixture and baked it in the oven for about 20 minutes.
This is what my bread and butter pudding looked like when it came out of the oven.
I had one piece for dessert. I might have another. I deserve it.
I served it with a dash of thickened cream.
It was delicious. Not too sweet, and the top was crispy.
I am watching John Butler on SBS and flicking to Masterchef. I can't decide!
John Butler is a bit cute, don't you think?

That's me finished blogging for the night. Happy Monday all!
excellent blog post Carls x
ReplyDeletejohn butler is lots of cute :)
ReplyDeleteHi Carly! I have the exact same Target navy top - its gorgeous! It's 'grown up' elegant but sort of cute at the same time with the asymmetric peter pan collar :) Looking foward to your outfit post - hope u have a fab week!
ReplyDeleteHi Carley, you have won one of the 2 for 1 Tim Burton passes on my blog. Can you please email me your address so I can send you the pass?