1. Where is your cell phone? in my bag.
2.Your hair? Brown, dark and curly.
3. Your mother? My best friend.
4. Your father? Generous
5. Favourite food? Cheese, salmon and mango
6. Your dream last night? I committed some sort of crime. True! Well, only true in my dream.
7. Your favourite drink? Moscato, Frangelico and lemonade, water.
8. Your dream/goal? To be Darren Hayes' towel girl.
9. What room are you in? Lounge
10. Your hobby? Writing, cooking, listening to music.
11. Your fear? Getting burnt
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy and maybe in a property that is mine.
13. Where were you last night? Bed.
14. Something you aren't? Superficial
15. Muffins? My muffin top is shrinking.
16. Wish list item? Tiffany something or other, once I'm done with my Masters
17. Where did you grow up? near Albury NSW, Australia.
18. Last thing you did? Ate a McDonald's sundae
19. What are you wearing? Leggings, thin blue floaty shirt and yellow singlet.
20. Your TV? Bigger than the last one I had
21. Your pets? At Mum and Dad's house
22. Your friends? few but great.
23. Your life? Busy and content
24. Your mood? Productive
25. Missing someone? No
26. Vehicle? 1990 Toyota Corolla which mostly sits in its parking spot. Train then.
27. Something you are not wearing? Jewellery.
28. Your favourite store? Cue, Myer, Temt.
29. Your favourite colour? Purple, silver
30. When was the last time you laughed? Lunch with friends after bellydancing yesterday
31. Last time you cried? Reading the news stories about Black Saturday anniversary today
32. Your best friend? Mum and others
33. One place that I go over and over? this blog!
34. One person you emails me regularly? my manager
35. Favourite place to eat? From my kitchen.
I pass this on to Rach and Kelly.
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