Seeing Darren Hayes live at the Enmore Theatre in Sydney was amazing!
I think I took the time to appreciate the
music in Sydney, whereas in Melbourne I was overwhelmed by the whole experience
- taking everything in. I sang along last night, not too worried about capturing every
moment on camera.
My friends and I were in the front row -
it was so good to be able to lean on the railing. My legs are like jelly and
feet like rocks. I feel asleep on my feet. So very tired.
I adored I don’t know you anymore even
more than Wednesday night - I think it’s the vulnerability he showed in it.
Such a powerful song.
The absolute highlight of my night was
waiting for him outside the venue after the show. We waited for about an hour
with around 30 other fans. And the tension built as we waited for Darren,
scoping the best vantage point around the van. Security was beefed up. And then
his manager arrived, telling us Darren would be out but he lost his voice so he
wouldn’t be talking to us but would sign merchandise. And the crowd was warned
against screaming, as we were in residential street. And I took note (be very
So Darren came out. And when he reached
me, I whispered ‘I love you Darren’, my hand outstretched. He whispered in
return ‘I love you too, Carly’, and touched my hand. ♥
Such a precious moment. Amazing. He
signed the venue running sheet I got too. And signed my friend’s setlist. He is very giving and lovely.
I am so incredibly happy. My life is
complete. I shed a few tears at his concert, during the Siren's Call and when I met him. Unbelievable.
I can’t explain the feeling I get from
loving Darren. Only other fans understand. The energy that surges through me
when I experience his music - live or recorded, and the excitement I get from
listening to him speak in interviews is so powerful. Today I’ve had a smile in
my face as I walked the streets of Sydney, just knowing the night I’ve had.
I wrote him a note on his Facebook wall
Thank you Darren for an amazing two shows
in Australia. I’m not going to Brisbane but I’m so glad I had the privilege of
seeing you twice this tour. You sing amazingly and I love the passion and
energy you have on stage.
This album means so much to me - I feel
most of the songs were written about some of the things I have experienced.
Your lyrics are universal. Seeing you sing it live brought me to tears, at both
Keep making this beautiful music. You and
the talent you possess means the world to me and so many others.
And thank you for meeting fans last night.
You made my year after I said I love you and you whispered back ‘I love you too’.
Thank you. I love you :) ♥
I enjoy reading your blog Carly... But this is an interesting read. I know you find comfort in Darren's lyrics and music however I feel that you are in a little too deep here... I feel that you are slightly obsessive and almost 'drowning' in what he gives to you. The fact that he is a gay man makes this 'relationship' you feel you have with him even more uncomfortable to read at times :)
ReplyDeleteI'm very happy for you Carly! So glad you got to meet him and share a moment. It is true only other fans get this stuff. It's no less than momentous.
ReplyDeleteWish I had been there with you, I love him too, So happy you got to do this , xx
ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous person above, there is no harm in loving a musician. Carly is well aware she is not in a "relationship" with Darren, but she has met him a few times and loved his music for more than half her life. The fact that Darren is gay is irrelevant to anything, Carly knows the "love" they said to one another last night is not in any sense "romantic" love. Even if Darren wasn't gay and wasn't married, Carly would know this. As a reader of her blog, I would have thought you would know her better than that.
ReplyDeleteSorry to speak on your behalf like that, Carly. I apologise if I've offended you. As someone that is very passionate about music, that comment offends even me. I "love" many musicians and have been incredibly happy to meet some of the ones I love multiple times, but that hardly means I'm delusional to think I'm in a relationship of any kind with them.
Carly, these photos are incredible and I'm still so happy for you that you got to meet Darren again. My favourite photo is the one just after your message to him. xoxo
As a "gay man" I think the most telling phrases Anonymous uses are "gay man" and "uncomfortable".
ReplyDeleteCarly says "Keep making this beautiful music. You and the talent you possess means the world to me and so many others." those words inspire and I agree.
The social media sphere favours positivity over negativity. I believe this and hope it to be true.
to that first anonymous reply, OMG get a life!
ReplyDeleteI go anon because I don't have any of the other profiles.
I understand your love Carly. And would have felt exactly the same.
I got out some of my old cd's tonight and was surprised as to what I actually did have in there. Japanese B sides (lol- Melbs the other night). I was tempted to yell out when he mentioned that "Yeah, well, we know all your b-sides too, bring it on (as in play 'em)
When I went to Japan I gave a speech to 32 students (in Japanese) about how much I loved Savage Garden.
To say I understand is an understatement. And I think Darren understands too, he went to MJ's hotel once etc, and he always mentions how nervous he gets around "famous" people.
Loving the new album. Have been listening every day, multiple times a day in the car.
Bloodstained heart also reminds me of the social media when he says "I'll follow you down to the ground". You know what anon? He gets it. You obviously don't.
~ Love Chris
I'm quite happy to read your opinions on my original post and please let me clarify that I was not alluding to the fact that Carly's love for Darren can not be reciprocated in a traditional sense. I perfectly and honestly respect the love you have for him as a musician... I too believe that he is freakishly talented and I enjoy his lyrics too. My concern and question stems from the fact that Carly has obviously had heartbreak, distress and upheaval relating to her personal relationships and she is very open in discussing this. My post came from a place of concern for her emotional well-being. l just think the level of adoration she has for Darren is somewhat concerning... Gay or not gay has nothing to do with it. I'm only posting anon as I don't have any other sign ins.
ReplyDeleteCarly, I have enjoyed reading your blog for a while now, and whilst I am not such a Darren fan, I love his response to you, using your name. Top shelf guy! Glad you had a great couple of nights!
ReplyDeleteTo anon at 7.49: thanks for reading my blog and enjoying it. Thanks also for your concern about my 'obsession' and perceived low grasp on reality.
ReplyDeleteI'm aware that I'm not in a relationship with Darren Hayes.
However, at risk of sparking further concern about my state of mind, I will confirm that I have a strong love for Darren. I know this concept of love may seem irrational and unhealthy, but I'm in no danger, not hurting anyone and quite mentally stable.
Like everything you read, I think the context needs to be considered when reading into something as you've done here.
I've been a fan of Darren since 1996.
His releases and tours are few and far between. This makes me even more excited to see him live and meet him.
I have met him in the past And he has always made me feel so special. So with this most recent meet at The Enmore was particularly special because he remembered me.
Many other Darren Hayes fans are more fanatical than I am, a number of them I know are also flying around the country, even the world to see him.
Darren has also expressed the extent to which he is a fan of his idols. I don't think he sees his fans as deluded or obsessive. It is nice we appreciate him and his music.
Seeing him play this week was certainly the happiest I've felt in a while. It's a nice escape. But as a mature, educated and intuitive person, with a strong sense of identity, I am aware of the boundaries between idol and fan.
The feeling of being a fan is one that often only other fans relate to. The other comments here, and excitement my friends and family have expressed about me meeting Darren confirms this for me.
Let me have this happiness without criticism or condescension. Maybe one day you'll experience the joys of being a fan too.
And in my above comment, I forgot to add that I am aware of the difference between the love I feel in my personal relationships compared to the love I feel for Darren. It's in no way a romantic love. While it may not be to everyone's taste or understanding, I'm proud of the passion I have. It's what makes me ME. Thanks for your concern.
ReplyDeleteAnon, I was just wondering where in your initial comment you indicated concern for Carly? From where I'm sitting all you did was express your own discomfort. A concerned person would be asking about her wellbeing privately. And if you haven't taken the time to find where to contact Carly personally then you don't know her well at and certainly aren't concerned about her wellbeing. Have an opinion by all means, but don't try to mask it as concern.
ReplyDeleteAs for Miss Carly, she deserves those moments of joy, and healthy or not, does it really matter? Like others have said, sometimes in life fan/musician "relationships" can feel special and like a deep connection on another level. I call my favourite musician my "musical love" because it feels almost spiritual and its as innocent and pure as a "relationship" can get. It doesn't really get complicated, it just feels like two twin souls that send each other smiles and big bear hugs in a whole other dimension through a special vortex every time they play their music. Not everyone gets the experience, but those who do understand that it's actually a form of magic and something to be treasured. :)
The first song I ever learnt to play on the piano during Music class was a savage Garden song! Great memories. I dont think there isn't an Australian who doesn't know the lyrics to a Savage Garden or Darren Hayes song!
ReplyDeleteThe way I see it is that Darren is a normal person, even though he is a celebrity. He can still have friends and people who love him, as do other human beings.
Darren would be so proud to read all these nice things you've written. Im glad you had such a nice time!
To the first anon, come on, is it really your place to judge what brings joy to someone else? If as you say there is no chance of any relationship for Carly beyond fan/superstar, then what's the harm in how she feels or how she expresses herself in her blog?
ReplyDeleteAnd if you do think that it's "uncomfortable" you've got the power- shut the blog down and go read something else. I can only hope that whatever you cherish in life isn't trivialised so meanly in the manner you've demeaned Carly.
I was in the concert in Sydney and I felt exactly the same. He was energetic and amazing! I loved every second! Can you pls tell me where you waited after the show? I wanted to wait too but couldn't find a stage door.. Next year I'll be waiting for sure :) thanks!
Wow Carly, what an awesome, awesome experience!
ReplyDeleteWow that would've been a great gig to be at!, I'm glad it brought you a lot of joy Carly. I love the picture of the Key-tar, I haven't seen one of them for ages! Have always dreamed of playing one of those on stage with our band :)
ReplyDeleteI too have the first Savage Garden album and even though I don't know any solo songs of Darren's, I have to say he has a remarkable voice.
Would you fly to the moon and back, though, Carly?? :D
Thanks everyone for your comments! The show was indeed electric and I cherish the memories of it and meeting Darren :)
ReplyDeleteBeing on his 2012 tour!