26 March 2014

Ever after.

Last night my boy asked me to marry him. I said yes!

I never dreamed I would be loved by anyone as much as he loves me. I thought i'd only be loved unconditionally by my parents. The love he shows me radiates from his face like sunbeams. He looks after me so well.

He has taught me that a big heart and kindness is the most important trait. He's taught me how to share my life. Time spent with him is the best time. We've not known each other for long, but we know each other well, and we know this feels right.

I am the luckiest. I love him.

We're getting married!



  1. AHHHHHHHHH! I KNEW IT. I knew when I saw this blog title that was it! AHHHHH!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU! <333 CONGRATS!

  2. AHHHHHHHHH! I KNEW IT. I knew when I saw this blog title that was it! AHHHHH!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU! <333 CONGRATS!

  3. Yay! Congrats to you both! xo

  4. Oh wow! What huge news. May you guys be the happiest couple and create even more incredible shared moments xxx

  5. This is such FABULOUS news!!! Congrats to you and Adam!! I am so happy for you both! Enjoy your lifetime together filled with friendship and never ending love!!!

  6. Happiest happiness ever. He is a very lucky man to have found you xxxxx

  7. Happiest happy news ever. He is a lucky man to have found you xx

  8. Congratulations, Carly and Adam!!!

    Such amazing news.

    SSG xxx

  9. Such great news! So excited for you both. Very happy to see this blog Carly!

  10. I have loved watching your love story unfold!
    So very happy for you both!

  11. Oh a bazillion Congratulations!!! I am just so excited for you both!!!

  12. Excellent news! Congratulations to you both.

    Love & stuff
    Mrs M

  13. So SOOOOO happy for you. Felt right, even from this distance.

  14. Carly....wow!!! Congratulations to you and Adam.

  15. Congratulations Carly! You deserve every happiness.

  16. So happy for you both Carly and Adam! Blessings for your life together.xx

  17. I've been waiting for this!!!!! Massive congrats to the two of you - he's a *very* lucky man, Carly!!!! You deserve all the happiness that comes your way xoxo

  18. This is wonderful news! Congratulations!!

  19. perfectly wonderful news, so happy for you! cannot wait for this super exciting time leading up to your wedding day begins! cherish the moment Carly, thrilled for you xx

  20. Congrats! This is so exciting :) All the best for what the future brings to two of you together!! x

  21. This is beautiful news for a beautiful couple.
    I cant express how happy I am for you both.
    Carly I wish you a lifetime of comfort and strength together and a love that grows with each passing year.xx

  22. I know I have already spoken to you on the phone today about this wonderful news, but I just wanted to leave a note that Adam could also see! Congratulations to you both! It just made me smile all day....Can't wait to meet you Adam. Best wishes to you both.

  23. ....oh, by the way. I forgot to tell you that you got engaged on my Wedding Anniversary!! I will always remember your engagement day now!! (....kinda ironic as I can never remember your birthday!!) x

  24. Congrats!

    You know Carly, we're going to need the full engagement story...pronto!


    Gemma. x

  25. Big smiles for you two - congratulations!!

  26. OMG!!! CONGRATS :-) That'a fab news i am so happy for you both x

  27. Congratulations Carly! What absolutely fantastic news.

  28. Carly, just catching up now. This makes me so, so happy. Congratulations.

  29. Thank you so much everyone. I really appreciate your wonderful comments and love xx


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