I vowed to make sure I continue doing the things thaf have made this holiday great:
- Taking time to notice and appreciate small details - the miracles of life.
Maybe street art, maybe sunset, or a building. Maybe take more notice of what people say and their outlook on the world. Take more time. There is so much of Australia that I have not seen, and now I want to.
Yesterday Mum and I went to Central Park after the American Museum of Natural History. Look at the detail in this dinosaur's bones. Such strength. We are all going to die some day but like this dinosaur, we will live on, somehow.
Look how lovely the view is!
- Ensuring I continue to talk to strangers.
I have met some great people on my trip, simply by striking up a conversation. I need to interact in order to get places and also to feel included. Yesterday at a fantastic diner with singing waiters (Ellen's Stardust Diner on Broadway) Mum and I struck up a conversation with two lovely people - Jen and her young daughter Josie from Dallas. We talked through dinner, and then took an impromptu ride on the subway to the Dakota building where John Lennon was killed, and then to his memorial in
On our way to the Dakota building (where Yoko Ono still lives) we stopped a guy to ask for directions. Jen told him he was very good looking. I agreed, telling him he is the best looking American I have met on my trip. His name was Parker and he agreed to be my American boyfriend for this photo. Jen asked him to take off his shirt.
Had we not talked to strangers we would not have shared in great experiences filled with laughter and new friendships, as well as sharing emotions.
Today I met a blogging friend who has been reading my blog in America for the past year. Katie made the trip to New York to spend the whole day with me. It was a wonderful day - we got along so well, and she was very pleased I was partial to an afternoon nap!
Katie was a semi stranger until today, yet we felt we knew each other and could open up. I really encourage you to talk to a stranger today. You won't be disappointed!
- Continuing to do something fun at least once a week.
I have done something fun at least once a day on this trip. It has not always cost a fortune. And it has often been spontaneous. Yesterday we went to the Chelsea Market.
It featured amazing food and shopping. The market building was home to the first Oreo.
And we saw lots of food we wanted to go back to try. Including lobster.
We spent hours at the Chelsea Market, and it was a really fun experience - trying the foods, shopping and taking our time to stop and appreciate.
While my holiday is over in less than two weeks, and I realise I cannot sustain this lifestyle when I return, I will definitely adopt a few things that I have learnt while on holiday to make that daily grind a little sweeter.
I have done so much in the past few days and I want to blog about it all, but I just can't fit it in. I have been updating Facebook and Instagram (search @carlyfindlay) with my adventures, so when I am not blogging, do check in there.