
21 October 2012

Sunday snippets

Sunshine at Federation Square
Food history exhibition - Gusto - at the State Library of Victoria
Local wildlife in Fitzroy
Toy goodness at Magic Lantern
Brooches and neclaces by Paper Boat Press at Finders Keepers Market (I bought a brooch)
Girl power reading on a Saturday afternoon
Pho. To detox from indulgence
Supergroup concert
Midnight snack at at the train station. Undid the hard work of the pho
Sunday breakfast - poached egg, dukkah, beetroot salad, watercress, pear, fennel, polenta, brioche, hummus and pumpkin puree. Best ever.

Playing along with Tinniegirl's Sunday Snippets.


  1. That brunch pic makes me hungry!
    Looks like a great week!

  2. Looks like a weekend full of yum. Have a great week.xx

  3. mmm, nom nom. Love the cloud jewellery, very cute!


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