
21 October 2012

500 Humans in Canberra

A few weeks ago I received an email telling me I have been successful in winning a trip to our nation's capital, Canberra, as part of the Human Brochure tourism initiative! A free trip to Canberra - yes please :)

The idea is for the 500 humans to form a human brochure across two weekends (in October and February), to show people how great Canberra is. We have to showcase Canberra via social media. There are four streams - family, art and culture, adventure and food and wine. Of course I am in the food and wine stream.

When I told my colleagues that I am going to Canberra, their reaction was "huh? Canberra?!". Much of the travel we do for work involves trips to Canberra. I am happy to see a new side to the city, and to help change peoples' perceptions about it as a place to visit for a holiday. And of course I am very excited to meet new people.

So next weekend I fly to Canberra to be a part of the Human Brochure campaign. I will be tweeting, Facebooking and Instagramming the heck out of Canberra. My partner in crime (no crime, honestly, we've signed a conduct disclaimer!) will be Tash - we met a few weeks back at the Other Film Festival and then had dinner last week. Tash tweets and Facebooks too. She is a seasoned travel blogger, so I expect between us, we will show you some really great stuff about Canberra.
You can follow the Human Brochure campaign on social media networks via the hashtag #humanbrochure

Thanks Australian Capital Tourism - I am so excited about this trip!


  1. Enjoy your Canberra weekend! I'm a huge fan of Canberra, have been living here for almost 22 years and get some annoyed at the ignoramuses who diss the place after staying here one day. Hope Canberra puts on superb weather, and maybe I'll see you around the traps! (I'll be sure to say hello if I see you)

  2. Hi Carly! I look forward to meeting you. I'll be travelling on the adventure stream. I've read all about your exploits recently at Curlypops, who I been a long time follower of. We'll see you there.

  3. I can't wait to see what your trip shows you. We have an excellent little city here, more people should know about it. Have fun!


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