
06 January 2011

Free to a good home

I promised to show you a photo of my roast chicken from last night. Here it is. It was very juicy and tender.
I love cooking a roast in the ceramic pot. If you think you can't do a roast on a worknight, then think again! This chicken took me an hour and a half, and really, once it was seasoned (a five minute job) and in the oven, I did nothing. I was able to do other stuff while the chicken roasted.

After dinner I watched Outnumbered. I think it's the funniest show on TV.

I wonder if it's scripted? The children are very funny.

I also watched Summer Heights High. Also hilarious. It never gets tiring.

I am undertaking the Great Declutter of 2011. It's slowly getting there. I've chucked out a lot of stuff. Last night, as a part of the Great Declutter of 2011 I left my printer on the bus stop seat, free to a good home.
I bought it in 2009, maybe even 2008. I tried so hard to put the cartridges in. I read the instruction manual. Watched YouTube videos. Positioned myself into yoga poses. Nothing could get the cartridge in. So I did what all independent women do. I bought a different printer. The Pixma, above, sat under my living room chair for about a year and a half. So last night I got sick of looking at the old-new printer. And left it out for some to collect.

This morning the printer had gone. I hope it went to a good home - possibly someone who can follow the user manual and contort themselves into poses suitable for cartridge insertion.

I started my day with this smoothie. Apricot, frozen berry, banana, oats, yogurt and milk. It's a great breakfast.

I was sore this morning. I was worried what to wear - it needed to make me feel comfortable - keeping me warm inside the office and cool outside. This was today's outfit. Slouchy, rouched pants (with leggings underneath, because I am sore - it stops the scraping) by Temt, a floaty ruffle top (by Temt) and cropped blazer (Target), with super high power heels (Diana Ferrari). I was inspired by Kendi Everyday.
There was a lady across the road from us who laughed at my poses. I laughed with her, 20 metres and a glass window away.
I once told a previous manager that I couldn't walk and think in these heels. I requested that he asked me the question again once I'd sat down.
I didn't actually wear the heels other than for these photos. I wore flats for the rest of the day. Sensible choice. My thinking was not restricted by my shoes.
These are from Betts Kids. They remind me of faberge eggs.
I had a parma for lunch. I caught up with a dear work friend and we had a very meaningful chat.
And tonight I shall be going wedding dress shopping. Yep. Really.


  1. Love those ballet flats, very pretty!!! You're right about roasts, they are one of the easiest things to cook EVER.

  2. I love Outnumbered! The child actors have to be some of the best in the business, they are so natural and unforced. I read that it's only scripted very loosely - thus lots of improvisation; much like Summer Heights High I suppose!

  3. You look smashing with the shoes:)

    Your dinner looks jummy:)

    Have a great day,

  4. Clearly you're far more sensible than me. Whenever I wear stupidly high heels to work, I don't remember how uncomfortable they are before I leave the house, and spend the whole day at my desk barefoot and doing my best to avoid having to move!

  5. I must say- you have the most AMAZING fashion sense!

  6. I love Outnumbered too, it's hilarious! I've also read that the kids (esp the younger two) do a lot of improv.


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