
26 April 2011

Melbourne bloggers meet

In the spirit of meeting new people, I headed off to a bloggers meet a couple of Saturdays ago. It was sponsored by Nuffnang and hosted by Danimezza and Hello Blogger Events. It was at the Emerald Peacock - such a glamourous venue.

About 25 bloggers came and they were all so lovely. I so enjoy the new social life blogging has afforded me - both online and offline. There is always something to do.

Thanks to Danimezza for the attendees list:
Back Row: Kelly, Sharnee, Prue, Calvin, KirstieDanimezza.
Second Row: Mands, Shy Lady,  Nicole, Rhi, Emma, Karin 
Front Row: Emily, Carly, Emma's Beau, Cintia,

Here are some pictures from Hello Events' Flikr.

This is me and some of my favourite ladies of the night, Sharnee and Prue. I adore this photo <3
I hit it off so well with Sharnee and Prue, and can't wait to see them again.

Here is Nicole from Mastiff Maiden. We also got on so well.
Me posing near the birdcage.
I also spoke with Scathing Weekly who reads this blog and was so very lovely, and another lovely blogger Karin from Sleep Deprived Mum. My Poppet Shop had pretty business cards.

Something funny happened in the toilets. I am so naive about drugs and I think I heard some drug use (not by those at blogger meet):
Girl outside toilet: 'Let me iiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnn.'
Girl in toilet next to me: 'No.'
Girl outside toilet: 'Let me iiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnn. What are you dooooooooiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggg?'
Me on the toilet: 'She's probably doing a wee like I am.'
Girl outside toilet: 'No she's not.'

Tee hee :)

These pictures are taken on my camera.

We ate stacks of pizza. This was three cheeses.
 Mum stayed a while. She worried about me teetering on my heels.
 Sharnee grinning.
 My Rekorderlig made me very excited.

The beautiful Cheryl from Business Chic and Random Shit Chez stopped by. So good to see her!
 I modeled her business card on my shearling.
I had such a good time. Interesting people, fun photos, glamour and drinks. Thanks Nuffnang and Danimezza :)


  1. Great post Carly! It was lovely to see you again after the conference. Another blog meet will be held on the 1st of October Hope to see you there!

  2. Looks like so much fun! Lovely pics, especially the birdcage ones. Very classy - even with gigantic sunglasses (that's very difficult to do... hehe)
    Heidi xo

  3. It looks like it was a lot of fun! I love those photos with the crazy glasses.

  4. Mmmmm, delicious Rekorderlig... I was rather thrilled to find that the place we went for my birthday dinner on Saturday night had Rekorderlig!

    Hopefully next time there's a Melbourne bloggers meet, I can be there!! Only two more months and then I'm moving back *squee*

  5. Looks like it was great fun - sorry I missed it. Will have to make it to the next one as I'd love to meet more Melbourne bloggers!

  6. Oh it was so awesome meeting you (and your mum) - I had such a great time! Hope we can catch up again soon at another meetup! xx

  7. looks like a blast!!! You are always doing something fun :)

  8. You are such a bundle of fun, next time im in Melbourne I so want to officially 'meet' you and hang for a while :) oh and eat some of the delicious meals (what a change from meat and three veg lol).

  9. That sounds like so much fun! Glad you had a great time. That pizza looks so yummy! :)

  10. Oh my gosh what fun!!!!! I wish there were blog meet up's in my area. (maybe there is?) idk. Or blog confrences.

    I really wish I could just go out there and meet people like you do! Getting inspired! (I'm already inspired by your fashion sense though! I've finally started buying new clothes!)

    I need to catch up on your blog so more comments to come! (My move was so long and stressful. That kept me wayyyyyy too busy)

  11. *waves* Hi Carly! Thanks for inviting me - my first nuffnang meet up and thanks again for having me on your blog! Catch up soon X

  12. You had a great fun specially when you ate the Best Pizza in Melbourne. it looks very delicious.


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