
05 August 2010

Music I'm looking forward to: Josh Pyke + Bob Evans - Patience

Seeing these guys play live next week!

Josh Pyke and Bob Evans, plus Kav Temperley and Steve Parkin as well. They're The Basement Birds.

Patience by Guns and Roses is one of my favourite songs. I like the whistling. And I like Axl Rose - again, my inner male bogan appears! This cover is pretty cool too.

Bob Evans and Josh Pyke. They're the music I'm looking forward to.

PS: don't forget to tell me how you found my blog! There is a cute prize :)


  1. Carly we are musical sisters- this is on high rotation at my place this week and I'm seeing them live in a couple of weeks. You have great taste!

  2. Oh lucky you Carly... can't wait to hear all about it. xx


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