
13 May 2010

Radio Carly further featured on Business Chic!

So a couple of weeks back you may remember I mentioned meeting the lovely Cheryl from the Business Chic blog for a bit of a photoshoot. I went to the Alexi Freeman store in GPO Melbourne.

Well, Cheryl has done another blog entry featuring some other fabulous fashionistas (and fashionmisters) and me!

You can check our her blog entry here! You will need to scroll down the page to see me.

Thanks Cheryl for featuring me - so proud to be a part of your blog!


  1. You look pretty damn good! I love your outfit, the dress and shoes are gorgeous and your accessories work a treat!

  2. Lovely pic of you Carly. Kicking goals all over the place these days!!

  3. Love the inky color of your jacket, looks so pretty on you!

  4. Thanks everyone :) I really adore the Temt coat - Temt has gems, despite some of the stuff you need to rummage through.
    I'm super happy for all the opportunities I've had lately. Another special one coming up on the weekend!

  5. Hi Carly:)
    You look very good girl...
    And the jacket was wonderful ---can i have one?pretty please?:)

    Have a very nice day Carly

  6. You look gorgeous! What a delightful outfit!

  7. Looking good Carly! - think you should stroll right back into that awful shopkeeper woman's shop and give her the full Pretty Woman treatmenet!!

  8. congrats!!! cute jacket/coat you're wearing too x

  9. Hi Carly, I just saw this post! - thank you so much for allowing me to photograph you for Business Chic and I'm thrilled that you and your readers liked my pictures - because I love your blog- yay! Can't wait to hear what you've got planned for the weekend- I'm intrigued! Xx Cheryl
    PS: How do you get your pictures into your comments?


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