
08 February 2016

Coke is my washing machine miracle - it de-greases clothes and the machine.

red Coke cans, with the text Coke is my washing machine miracle


If you've been reading my Facebook page for a while, you'll be aware that I (understandably) whinge a lot about the way my paraffin ruins my washing machine (and sometimes my clothes).

The paraffin soaks the fabric - especially sheets and the clothes I wear directly on my skin - and then clogs up the washing machine when I wash them. I've had four machines in 13 years. The front loaders' seals broke because of the heat from the grease warping them. Warranties wouldn't cover them, even with medical certificates. When I wash clothes, I wash Adam's separately to mine, but his still ends up greasy. He says, no more sorries.

Earth Choice laundry liquid, Coke, Morning Fresh dishwashing liquid, Sard degreaser

Now, I don't want to speak too soon but I think I've found a miracle degreaser for my clothes and the washing machine. Coca-Cola! Just regular, none of the diet, zero or green stuff.

Ada, a mum of a child with Ichthyosis recommended it, and I gave it a try on my pyjamas, denim and sheets last weekend.

I used about a cup of Coke in addition to sensitive washing powder (I use OMO sensitive powder, or Earth Choice sensitive liquid), a big squirt of dishwashing liquid (I use whatever brand is tough on grease) and a little Sard Wonder degreaser powder. Sometimes I use Lectric Soda instead of degreaser - it removes grease too.

I poured the coke directly in the drum as the water was running. I washed on a hot cycle. And my washing came out less oily than it's been in a while. The Coke left no stains or stickiness.

my freshly washed pyjamas - lime green singlet, floral pants, purple jacket

I also cleaned my washing machine with two cups of Coke and a dishwasher tablet on a hot cycle and as a result, there was no residue in the tub.

Goodness knows what Coke does to us when we drink it though!

I am so thankful to Ada! It's a miracle!

Here's more info on the way Coke cuts grease.

DeDe has great advice on managing Ichthyosis and washing machines and so does Courtney.

Got any washing machine tips for me?

(Image descriptions: top picture - red Coke cans, with the text 'Coke is my washing machine miracle'; second picture - Earth Choice laundry liquid, Coke, Morning Fresh dishwashing liquid, Sard degreaser; bottom picture - my freshly washed pyjamas - lime green singlet, floral pants, purple jacket.)








  1. My only advice with a front loader is to replace the rubber seal with a silicone one - more expensive, but it won't warp from the grease!


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