
21 September 2015

A new start, today.

On Friday I finished up at my day job. I'd been working in that role for eight years, minus about a year and a half when I did two or three other jobs and then returned. I knew it inside out - the processes especially. But in recent months, I felt less connected to the people - not through my own doing, but because of the processes. It became less personal. I felt like I'd progressed so far in all other areas of my life, just not in my day job.

The more things changed around me, the more I realised I need to make my own change. And so I did. My calling is the writing and advocacy, but it doesn't put food on the table, nor pay for weddings and holidays. I still need a day job. I sought change by applying for a new day job. I was successful and I start today.

I'm nervous and excited. Nostalgic. Relieved. My days will be filled with new things to learn, bigger responsibilities, new people to get to know. All still unbloggable.

As my colleagues and I said goodbye on Friday, I felt very loved. I think I did ok in my last organisation. I've got friends everywhere, one of my managers told me. One of my biggest skills is connecting people - and in 12.5 years at that organisation, I'd certainly done that.

The new of today will soon become routine. I'll adjust and come to know the role inside out. And that's ok because I've made my own change. It's time.



  1. All the best for today!!
    I'm sure you'll rock it

  2. best of luck with this exciting new challenge, Carly!

    SSG xxx

  3. change is good , and can be daunting for a few days, but you will be fine , you are intelligent and caring , and have good work ethics, all the best for your new start today :D Denny D

  4. How flipping exciting Carly! Hope your first day was fabulous and today is another winner.

  5. good luck!! I'm sure you'll succeed :)

    --Sophie from the USA, who messaged you through facebook.


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