
29 May 2015

Ichthyosis Awareness Month - Atique's story: "If you to start your life over knowing what you know today, what would you change?"

Atique is 24 years old and from Pakistan and has lamellar ichthyosis. Atique's Ichthyosis has provided inspiration to study medicine - he writes about being a talented student. He hopes to research treatments for Ichthyosis.

Meet Atique.

"If you to start your life over knowing what you know today, what would you change?

A few moments after my birth, my life started to change rapidly. My physical condition became a surprise to my parents. At that time Ichthyosis was not known, especially by my parents. My parents were too much disturbed, and worried about my life and future. They went to every known doctor for my treatment. One doctor told my parents not to worry, and also satisfied them that this disease is not spreadable.

After some years my mom and dad decided to put me in nursery school. Due to my delicate physical condition, the teacher gave me extra care and attention. That was a time when I started to participate in academic curriculum. My teachers were surprised by my talent and tended to me to help me to continue my studies. They were also amazed for my devotion to studies. I also participated in every game with other pupils and performed well. The attitude of my fellow students toward me was very encouraging. In fact, they really treated me like a special person.

When I was promoted to primary school it was an occasion that made my parents and siblings proud of me on my excellent performance. I realized that God blessed me with a normal brain and a lot of attributes. I do not regret what I could not have, but I am grateful to God for what He has blessed me with. I obtained top position in every class. I got prizes for being the best student of the year many times over. The purpose of mentioning all these stories is to say thanks to God for blessing me with such talent, and saying thanks to my parents for my up-bringing, and also to all my teachers and fellow students for their care and co operation.

After passing my secondary school certificate, I decided to keep on my studies in the science disciplines. I selected biology and chemistry subjects, because biology and chemistry are the subjects that can help me to fulfill my dreams to serve mankind, and especially such patients that are looking towards scientists who may research about the treatment of their diseases. In the medical revolution there are still many diseases are unknown and we have no clue about their treatment. It needs generations to reach their depths. I decided to dedicate myself for this purpose, to work for such aims.

In university doing my BS (Bachelor of Science), I chose biochemistry as a specialization field for my next higher studies. Biochemistry is only a platform for me; through it I can research about many such types of diseases. Actually all diseases are born due to disorder in bio cycle - it may be excess or deficiency in any bio molecules. And Ichthyosis is also such a type of disease. Biochemistry plays an important role in medical chemistry. My future studies will be with biochemistry as a major field. I will research about the treatment on these type of diseases. To my dreams and ambitious I have the need to study in such institutions that are fully equipped with science laboratories, and such institutions demand high tuition fees . To get admission in such universities I need scholarship. I think FIRST can help me to get this."

This post was edited by Tash. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

May is Ichthyosis Awareness Month - I am sharing stories of people who have experienced Ichthyosis. Read all stories in the Ichthyosis Awareness Month Blog Project here.

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