
11 March 2015

Cheese making.

It's no secret I love cheese! And I am so lucky that Adam loves it too! I can't imagine marrying a man who didn't love to sit on the couch and eat three different cheeses on a Friday night.

I bought him a cheese kit for our first anniversary last October. The kit includes a recipe book, some sterilising solution, salt, a thermometer, some spoons plus cultures and rennet. We've only just had a spare Sunday to use it. This basic kit has about seven recipes, and the cultures and rennet is enough to make seven lots of cheese. 

We decided on the quark - with a difficulty rating of very easy.

Cheese making kit

First we heated milk and culture to 30 degrees. Then we let it sit for 24 hours. That was a little boring, I admit. 

Warming up milk for cheese
Because I am about full disclosure. I will let you know this first batch did not work. I heated the milk too fast. After leaving it to sit, it turned into sour milk, and smelt terrible. I have a strong aversion to milk (yet love cheese - I don't get it?!) and so I am thankful that Adam disposed of the milk and cleaned up!

Adam did some googling and found a more comprehensive recipe. And it worked! This is after it was strained through cheesecloth over the sink overnight. He is Master Cheesemaker!
Cheese, drained

We seasoned the cheese with basil and green chilli and served it on homemade bread. It was so delicious. Soft and tangy. Creamy. Healthy. We'll definitely be making more cheese!
Quark on bread

Have you made cheese before? What's your favourite?


  1. That looks delicious!

    Well done, you guys!

    SSG xxx

  2. Oh my gosh I REALLY want to make my own cheese! You have inspired me.

    1. Do it! Your kids will love it! You've inspired me to drink more tea :)

  3. Oh my gosh I REALLY want to make my own cheese! You have inspired me.

  4. Cheese is the best. I love cheese. If it was a choice between a big slice of cake and a platter of cheeses and crackers, I'd go the cheese......usually......depending on the cake........can I have both??? :)

    1. I'd go cheese AND cake but cheese over chocolate. This is why we are friends x

  5. Yes! I have one of these kits and love it too. Try the haloumi it's excellent too. I went to a party a few weeks ago and in the course of a conversation a woman mentioned she would like to retire one day to Tassie and make cheese, I got really excited thinking I'd found a like minded soul & started to rabbit on about my cheesemaking efforts to which she explained that she was only joking.... :(

    1. Haloumi will be next :) yay!
      I'd like that sorry of retirement too!

  6. My daughter and I went to a cooking class where one of the things we were taught to make was a soft cheese using vinegar as the curdler. Any vinegar will do as the flavour disappears. It was so soft and sweet.

  7. I love cheese!! :D I've never made it before though, but I think one day I may have to.

  8. I got one of these as a present for Christmas but am yet to make it. I think you have inspired me to give it a go :)


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