
24 September 2014

Unfit. I'm changing that today.

After many, many months of not going to the gym because of not having a car, traveling the world and a long time being sore, I'm taking it up again today.

I feel like a heffalump and need to get my bridal body. I don't weigh myself but my clothes feel uncomfortable on me, and I know it's time. When I was exercising regularly last year and earlier this year I felt the best I'd ever felt.

I've been yearning for the endorphins, for the small achievements of running through a song - and then another one, and before I know it I've done two kilometres. I've wanted glowing skin again. And a flatter tummy. I want to feel good.

And so I go, after work this afternoon. Wish me luck. Here's to social media keeping me accountable! As friends also on the fitness kick tell me, we are in this together.



  1. I know the feeling. I recently did the GCC and lost 6.5 kilos, but blew up my arthritic knee and can't do as much, swimming every 2nd day isn't doing enough and I've gained 2 kilos back already. Very grumpy.

    So best wishes for your bridal body!

  2. Go Carly! I've started exercising again this week after a few months off. I can't afford a gym but I'm lucky I have a nice park and outdoor exercise equipment near my house. I'm looking at getting some good quality earphones next. I'm sick of hearing the vibrations of the cord while I run. I keep as my homepage to keep me motivated.


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