
02 October 2013

Julia Gillard in conversation with Anne Summers: "You have a decision to make: you could have a crap rest of your life", [or you can move on].

Last night I saw Julia Gillard - Australia's first female Prime Minister - in conversation with Anne Summers at the Melbourne Town Hall. She and Anne spoke for 50 minutes and the audience asked a variety of questions for the remainder. It was her second extended interview since losing the Prime Ministership.

People queued early - reports from Twitter said the queue was snaking from outside the Town Hall in Swanston Street and around the corner to Exhibition Street. The audience was excited. The woman next to me told me Julia Gillard was her "heroine" and that she wouldn't queue to see a band or for a restaurant, but she'd queue for Ms Gillard.

Julia Gillard is smart, warm, engaging, open and very funny. Gosh she was funny. And she is caring - her heart is set on improving the lives of our nation - especially of women. She firmly believes she has paved the way for women in leadership - particularly parliament: "now I've smashed my head through the glass ceiling, it should be easier for women to enter parliament", she said. I really do love her.

However, with all of her discussion of equality for women, Indigenous Australians and people with disabilities, I am still surprised at her stance on marriage equality - she believes marriage equality in Australia should be decided by a conscience vote. "I feel like I got on this tram at a different spot. My views on this were formed at a different time", she said. Shouldn't her passion for equality extend to marriage equality?

Here is a summary of what I took from the discussion. The summary below and opinions above are my own and do not reflect those of my employer, and quotes are Julia Gillard's.

On empowering women

Julia Gillard is so articulate and passionate about equal opportunity and empowerment for women and girls, and wants to make a real difference to females in her post political career. She recently went to New York to work with Hilary Clinton at a global leaders meeting.

Her (former) government embedded funding for empowering women in neighbouring developing countries. She hopes this funding will survive the current government.

"Development statistics tell us if we can empower women and girls, we can make a difference to the nation", Ms Gillard said.

On work

Julia Gillard said she stands by moving single mothers from a single mother pension to NewStart when their children get older because NewStart gives them the best chance at work, but she believes the rate of NewStart is too low.

"I am a big believer in the dignity that work gives us. Income support is not enough to eradicate poverty", Ms Gillard said. "I want to see everyone have the benefits, choices, access and dignity that comes with paid work".

On being ousted as the Prime Minister by Kevin Rudd

Anne Summers said of the 28 Australian Prime Ministers, Julia Gillard sits at no 14 in length of service. She's served longer than Kevin Rudd and Gough Whitlam.

Anne Summers observed Julia Gillard's lack of self pity and bitterness after being ousted as PM in June 2013. Ms Gillard replied: "You have a decision to make: you could have a crap rest of your life", [or you can move on].

She said that many former Prime Ministers, including Paul Keating, called her afterward, to talk her through. With great humour she quipped: "You know you're having an intense conversation with Paul Keating when he grips your arm and calls you love."

On the misogyny speech

Ms Gillard said she was "astonished" at public reaction to her misogyny speech. She saw eyes glazing over in Parliament, and thought that she'd just be able to return to doing correspondence. Former Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan suggested that maybe she wouldn't be doing correspondence, rather she'd be doing follow up interviews regarding the speech. She implied that Tony Abbott, then Opposition Leader, was wishing the speech would he over: "Poor Tony Abbott stared at his watch like he hadn't seen it before"

She received feedback from women from different strata around the world of how powerful her misogyny speech was. Ms Gillard said the misogyny speech was "for every woman who has bit her tongue and thought 'I shouldn't say it'. It's one for her."

An 11 year old girl in the audience asked "did you have any fun when you were Prime Minister?" Ms Gillard replied that she is pleased her term as PM taught 11 year old the pronunciation of 'misogyny'. She also added that she felt privileged for meeting every day Aussies and have them offer suggestions for the country. She loved her staff and opportunities as Prime Minister.

On comments about her appearance and dress sense

An audience member asked how Julia Gillard felt when Germaine Greer made a comment about her bottom. "Everybody had to take a role as a fashion critic" Ms Gillard said. She went on to say what a role model Germain Greer was when growing up. "I was disappointed for Germaine Greer. It let her down as much as it let me down". "Boy I'm through the pain barrier", she said. "It [criticism about her appearance] didn't really worry me."

On not wanting to marry

An audience member asked a question about whether Ms Gillard had ever considered marrying her partner Tim to stop the publicity. She said she and Tim are very happy and don't need marriage to confirm that. "I couldn't afford the publicity around a PM wedding", laughing about the pressure there would be for her not to trip over her dress.

On asylum seekers

Audience Question: "how can we change debate re asylum seekers from despair and anger to one about compassion and hope?" Ms Gillard replied saying she worries about tenor and language of asylum seeker debate. She believes asylum seeker policy is "incredibly complex."

On media

Ms Gillard believes journalists don't get the time to think properly about what they're reporting on. "Quick media cycle means there is not enough deep discourse into politics", she said.

Julia Gillard also commented on the protests that took place against her role as leader. She said of the 'ditch the witch' slogan - "I was offended by signs, but more so the benign reaction to it by the media."

The sisterhood in politics

Julia Gillard was asked whether females from other parties reached out to her when she was attacked? "I would like to say yes", she replied. She proceeded to talk of the bonds she formed with other females from all parties while working on policies prior to her role as Prime Minister. "During the time when I was PM, I didn't have people from the other side to offer support." However, she credits Tony Windsor and Rob Oakshott for constant support and protection. They stood up for the nation, she said.

On the current government

"It's disheartening to have only one woman in Cabinet", she said. However she is optimistic about the media and public reaction to this sole appointment. She said discussion about women's rights need to continue. This will make a difference, noting that "we should be complaining that the statistic of one woman in Cabinet is hopeless." Ms Gillard believes there should always be equal representation of women and women's issues in government, no matter the personalities in charge.

Julia Gillard have some advice to Tony Abbott, Prime Minister and Women's Minister: reach out to Tania Plibersek (from Labor) and do a lot of listening. "I hope Tony Abbott's time as Women's Minister is the most character building period of his career", she said, to which the audience erupted in laughs and applauded.

On the future

Julia Gillard hopes "in 2050, Australia is a fully reconciled country, a more sustainable nation, prosperous economy". "I hope "we share life's risks - the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the next step in that journey. We need to have each others backs when we're in need", she said. Ms Gillard also hopes that in 2050 Australia won't have an education disparity.

She also hoped there will be equally as many female Prime Ministers as male ones, and that during a game of Trivial Pursuit, players would get the answer wrong to 'Who was Australia's first female PM?' because there'd be too many to remember.

"Genuine equality would mean that you and I would not have to speak about genuine equality"', Ms Gillard said."Policies should include all our people, not assumed the policies that work for dominant cultures work for everyone."


At the end of the conversation, four young girls presented her with bouquets of flowers. Ms Gillard received her second standing ovation of the night. And Katy Perry's Roar played - the only time I've ever felt a Katy Perry song had any significance to anything. Julia Gillard was so articulate - I left feeling empowered. Julia Gillard is resilient, and I can't wait to see what she does next.

We are so very lucky to have access to hearing our leaders speak candidly and publicly - I feel very privileged to listen to a woman I admire so much. Thank you for your time Julia Gillard.


Thanks to Jess for the photos and the lift home.

Listen to Julia Gillard and Anne Summers in conversation at the Sydney Opera House here.

This conversation was to raise money for the Anne Summers Report - you can subscribe here. This was the second of many Conversations with Anne Summers to come.

See Eden Riley's blog for a great insight into Julia Gillard as a person.

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou for writing about this. I saw the televised Sydney event and was disappointed that this one wasn't televised on free-to-air TV as well. Hopefully history will treat Julia Gillard much better than the Australian people have in the last few years.


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