
19 September 2013

Nine awesome people I met at the Problogger Event #pbevent

I met lots and lots of people at the Problogger Event. There were simply too many to be able to meet everyone, but the people I did meet were all wonderful. Here’s just a few of the people I have come to know through Problogger (and some online prior to the conference), and think you should know them too.

Tamsin Howse - editor in chief at Kiki and Tea - I'm a sometimes contributor there. It was so much fun hanging out! (Note that I'm standing on my toes to be as almost as tall as Tamsin, and my eyes were a bit blinded by the morning sun!)

Economies of Kale – Liz blogs about chronic illness and healthy food. We sat next to eachother in the final session of the first day.

Jules Galloway – a natropath and another healthy eating blogger – a lovely woman who took me under her wing.

The Life of Clare – Clare is all about sustainable living, whole food cooking and travel. I met her early on in the conference, at the breakfast, and I introduced her to her blogging idol, Veggie Mama. Her fandom was very cute. Clare is expecting her first baby too!

The Plumbette - Bec a female plumber! I chatted to Bec sitting outside at lunch on the second day – she asked me lots about my blogging journey and she seemed so keen to learn.

Vanisha - I also met Vanisha early on during the breakfast (first world problem: the croissants were too scratchy for my face). Vanisha is a blogger from Canberra and she has also started a blogging mentoring website and program called The Purposeful Blogger. I went on a Gold Coast shopping tour with Vanisha and six other lovely ladies on Sunday.

Emma Stirling and Catherine Saxelby - I have met Emma and Catherine before - they're both dietitcians. I met Emma at the Heart Foundation cooking class and bumped into Catherine in New York on a food tour (so funny that we were on the same tour in such a big city!) and then we were at BlogHer together. These ladies are so inclusive, and they really care about healthy eating and social good.

Jacinta Tynan - I have followed Jacinta's newspaper columns for a little while now - I admire her as a writer. She asked a question at one session I attended, and I thought she looked familiar. I checked her twitter, looked at her, then tweeted to her that I think I am sitting next to her, and that I like her writing. We had a little chat - she is starting to blog after writing for the mainstream media for a long time. I also really loved her pink jeans and striped top!

I have truly made some good friends through blogging. I love meeting the people I get to know online in person. I only wished there was more socialising time at the Problogger Event!

If you were at Problogger, who did you bump into?

And what new blogs have you discovered recently?



  1. Naww! I think you're pretty awesome too! xxx

  2. Hi Carly, I said hi to you in passing very briefly, would love to have had the chance to chat! The weekend just passed in a bit of a blur! Isn't Bec the Plumbette a sweetie?!

  3. It was really lovely to meet you Carly. I'm only sorry I didn't whip out my phone for a snap. Great list - I reckon I met most of them too and heartily agree with all! Kx

  4. How cute was Clare! Totally made my day! so awesome to have met you x

  5. Oops - I think I just posted to Facebook on accident. Did it go to your page? Anyhow, what I meant to say here was this... I, too, had such a wonderful time at the Pro Blogger Event! It was lovely beyond lovely to meet so many people who are creating their own paths whilst maintaining kindness sincerity and fun along the way. Sending you lots of love Carly xx quigley

  6. Thanks so much for the shout-out Carly. It was lovely to meet you too :)


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