
20 July 2013

A trip to hospital in the ambulance. Pride of Australia nomination. Pretty treats.

What a strange fortnight - it's been a whirlwind of good and not so good events! I wanted a calmer week this past week, and for the most part it has been, except on Monday night when I had to go to hospital by ambulance because I had a reaction to my delicious seafood dinner. My lips swelled, face become heavy and itchy, then my body felt like it had a fright, and I had a temperature of 38.9 degrees.

By the time I got to hospital, I was feeling a little better - I think I reacted because I ate so close after having a shower and when I have a shower, my face is stripped of its top skin layer which probably acts as a protectant. When I finally saw the doctor (it was still a 3.5 hour wait after arrival in ambulance) she prescribed me anthisthamine. Fortunately it was not anaphylaxis. The reaction on my face settled, but I felt so tired the next day so I stayed home and slept. My skin is very sore now especially on my arms and hands, but I'll be ok with some rest. I'm booked into the immunologist soon - I just hope I can eat seafood again! I've been very lucky with not having any food allergies, but my dermatology team are always concerned I may develop them. Fingers crossed this was a once off!

The Ambos were amazing! I had four attend my house. The Mica paramedics arrived first - they're able to administer some high level drugs and intubate if required. Then the van arrived - and they took me to hospital. They told me they had been researching Ichthyosis on their way to me. When we arrived at hospital, the female officer sat with me for two hours, doing my obs, and just talking. She said she enjoys that part of her job the most - meeting people. I saw her in action, attending to a seizuring patient in the triage bay. She was so calm and yet so responsive.

Do you have ambulance cover? If you are not covered, a trip in a Victorian ambulance costs $1300. I highly recommend signing up - I pay $40.30 per year through Ambulance Victoria (it's a little over $80 for families, and it covers ambulance trips in other states). Each state's ambulance cover varies - view details here: (Queensland) (South Australia) (Western Australia) (Northern Territory) (Tasmania) (Victoria) (New South Wales) (Australian Capital Territory)

No photos of my ambulance trip sorry!


Last night I was looking forward to a night of rest on the couch, with no excitement. I was checking my emails as I was on the phone to Mum and Dad, and saw this!

I shrieked! I've been nominated for a Pride of Australia Medal. Thank you to whoever nominated me. I am excited and proud, but I also feel like I'm just being myself. Thanks for believing in me. What a lovely surprise!


And then, to celebrate everything this past fortnight. I thought I'd treat myself to some late night shopping at 11.30 pm (oh the comfort of online shopping!). I bought these two dresses from Joy, my favourite UK store. I bought a dress from the store on my last day in London (one year ago tomorrow, can you believe?!). They have a sale on right now - you should treat yourself too!

Also, a lovely reader, Eloise, saw me on the train, and left a comment here. I didn't speak to her on the train but admired her bag. I replied to her comment, asking if she was the lady with the amazing green bag that I admired. Yes she was! She linked it in another comment, I bought it (though it's sold out now, but may be restocked) and it arrived yesterday :) Thanks Eloise!

Have a great Saturday everyone! I'm staying home to rest, and will also sort my accommodation for the Problogger event on the Gold Coast in September (those dresses will make their debut there!). Bob Evans is playing when I'm on the Gold Coast - I am so there!

What are you doing today?

Ever been in an ambulance? Do you have ambulance cover?

What pretty things have you treated yourself to lately?



  1. So glad you're ok lovely, that must have been terrifying... not only are you ok though.. YOU'RE ALSO NOMINATED FOR PRIDE OF AU!!! What an honour!!!

    I hope seafood hasn't become an issue for you, fingers crossed your testing all turns out ok.


  2. You really have had a roller-coaster of a life these past few weeks... so glad you're OK - as someone who has only been to hospital to be born and visit people, I don't think I really have any idea how I'd cope if I ever had to... and I know I never think about Ambulance costs - I probably should... thanks for the reminder...


    And congrats on the award nomination!

  3. Congratulations on your nominiation! That's fantastic and it is a well-deserved honour indeed.

  4. You suffer some hardships most of us can't imagine.
    Yet you take delight in the normal.
    And you have and will continue to have great successes and joys, because of the way you approach life.


  5. What a wonderful nomination. Congratulations. I spent a good half hour perusing frocks at Joy (1.30am here) after seeing yours last night and the one I love isn't on sale so I will keep an eye on it with my fingers crossed. I will also keep my fingers crossed that you will be safely able to indulge in seafood again too. I am allergic to avocados and know how often you have to play it safe with food choices rather than be sorry.

  6. Well done on your nomination, I know you are just being yourself but you are still gorgeous and courageous and deserving. We are members of ambulance Vic and have some paramedic friends who do an amazing job. Oh and now I'm going shopping x

  7. Congrats on your nomination. This is such an amazing blog and the writing is so inspirational I'm not surprised. So sorry to hear about your health scare.

    I was wondering if you knew of any other blogs like yours you could highly recommend that talk about awareness for visual differences or visual disabilities? I haven't found many.

    1. Hey there thank you so much :) I have a tab up the top of my blog called Ichthyosis and Appearance Diversity Resources, where I've linked to some other blogs you may like.
      Thanks for the comment :)

    2. Thank you Carly! I am just learning how this blogging thing works (I could have just looked at your page!) and I haven't seen many of the resources you mentioned besides Changing Faces. Thanks again.

  8. Glad you're ok Carly!

    I have been in an ambulance twice. Did you know in Queensland we have community ambulance cover? I actually thought most states had this. It means it is covered by tax payer money but all qlders can get free ambulance service anywhere in Australia.



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