
27 April 2013


I've taken a week and a half of leave from my day job. I'm calling it a Staycation. I'm staying at home, writing, reading (I read this amazing piece on outing the appearance shamers called Pictures of people who mock me by Haley Morris-Cafiero, and I want to write something in response to it!), napping, dreaming, cooking, planning big things for my future and seeing local sights cafes. I'm also catching up with friends and doing a speech in Ballarat (which entails leaving home before 7.00 am!). And I must thank you all for the amazing engagement on my Whole of body health post - I did not expect such candid discussion and lovely advice! You'll be pleased to know I've booked to my GP in for a whole body check up on Tuesday.

Yesterday I had breakfast at the Candied Bakery in Spotswood - oh my lord. They certainly serve sometimes foods...

I had a Croque Madame and an apple pie shake (!!!). It's milk and icecream blended with a slice of apple pie. I know, right?! My friend Jo had an almond croissant that was amazing. The service was great and the customers kept on coming and coming. I also bought an olive sourdough loaf - the most amazing bread I've tasted.

It was a lovely morning spent indulging, catching up with a friend who I don't see enough of, and moseying though the now very hip(ster?) inner west. I found cute boutiques and a whole array of eateries I want to try out.

Candied Bakery on Urbanspoon

I returned home, read the paper, listened to some bogan rock (love!) and cleaned before the cleaner came.

Next up was a 2.30 pm brunch with Tash. She had pesto eggs and bacon, and I had corn fritters with bacon and a poached egg. We talked and talked - she seriously needs to go into life coaching! Tash gives good advice.

Tash helped me with a little blog project I have planned for May. May is Ichthyosis Awareness Month and I've decided to take part in my little space on the Internet. I don't want to reveal too much yet - the big reveal is 1 May - but I can share this gorgeous logo that Camille made for me. I can say that I am deeply moved by the content of this project and it's a privilege to share it with you throughout May.

That help Tash gave me? She filmed me for a video for the Ichthyosis Awareness Month blog project. A vlog if you may. We filmed on a park bench, after a few takes near some street art (noisy trams and a man said "BOO!") and in a laneway (over the fence from a barking dog who sooned calmed down but I rambled). I am planning to do a little Q&A in the project (another awesome idea from Tash!) - so if you have any questions about Ichthyosis and my experiences, send them through.

It was a fun day! Today I'm seeing my parents fresh off the boat (from Tasmania), catching up with a new friend for brunch and then seeing some blogger friends for dinner. Ahh it's a good life!

Have you had a staycation? What else should I see and do in Melbourne next week? Any tips for Ballarat? Do you clean before the cleaner too?



  1. Enjoy your staycation - they're my favourite sort of break! :)

  2. I love how you and Tash call it brunch when it happened it 2:30pm. Is it no longer tied to the time and now tied to when or where you eat it? Yes... I worry about the important things.

    1. It was brunch for ME!! Ha! It's breakfast and lunch combined, right!!??

  3. I love staycations. They're lots of fun - it's great exploring your own city. Is there anything good at the art gallery at the moment? I just live getting lost in Melbourne, and can't wait for our trip later in the year. I don't have a cleaner, so just clean before the hidden mess it up again ;)

  4. Staycations are my favorite. No schedule. No pressure. Just hide the car in the back yard and don't answer the phone. If I want to get dressed - fine. If I want to laze on the sofa with a good book all day - even finer! Freely flirt with my significant other - all day, all night if I want. No kitchen duties - just nosh on grapes and cheese while said significant other keeps my coffee cup filled. I should stop now before I break down and weep. I haven't had time off like that in a while (even so, June 14, come quickly). Love your logo - so captivatingly appealing and friendly. Clean before the cleaner?!? That's funny.

  5. The pictures of people who mock me get to me a bit.
    In a lot of her photos, she is deliberately placing herself in a clumsy or awkward position which anyone - slim or not so slim - would receive similar looks. She states she has no issue with the way she looks but her project is clearly her on the defence which suggests otherwise. People who are comfortable with themselves would not feel the need to do this. At the end of the day, she is only going to look back at the photos and feel crap about herself and the others in the photo could probably care less. She's only hurting herself.

  6. Ah Carly so pleased you made it to Candied! What a perfect place to spend staycation!


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