
05 November 2012

Pinching myself.

I feel like I am living someone else's life. How did I get so lucky? I am having the best time!
Today, like most of Melbourne, I am not at my day job. I will be doing some writing, listening to some music, and cooking. Bliss. Right after I get out of bed. My hayfever has been terrible so it'll do me good to stay indoors.

I need to eat healthier. Last night Tash and I had drinks and then we ate a hideously unhealthy meal at the Kodiak Club. We laughed, reminisced about Canberra, and talked about the big issues - bands, boys, blogging. We ate corn fritters - otherwise known as hush puppies, chicken and waffles drizzled with maple syrup, and an ice cream sundae with a warm cookie and candied bacon! You guys! It was sweet, salty, fried deliciousness.

I keep thinking that someone's going start a diet intervention after they scroll through my instagram photos. So much indulgent food!!

Tomorrow I'm having a photoshoot for a magazine that I wrote an article for. My favourite magazine. Can't quite believe it.

Next week I'm going to a cheese lunch with Chrissie Swan! Two of my favourite things!

I wonder how long these good times will last. Maybe it isn't about luck, but making it all happen through goal setting, determination, positivity and hard work?

I'm one month and three days from 31. I'm not feeling the pressure to have conventional success - a mortgage, a high flying job and marriage. I used to be worried I didn't have it all. But then 30 came along, the best year. And I realised those things may not make you entirely happy. I'm just happy I've got the opportunity to be spending time with great people and doing the stuff that makes me happy.


  1. I love this post and your happiness in it, Carly!!

    SSG xxx

  2. Hi Carly, I'm a fairly new reader to your blog, and I'm so impressed! It's such an interesting read, I've been going through some of your older posts and enjoying them so much. I'm 31, with the marriage, mortgage and three kids, and I was just reflecting on how lots of people consider that conventional success, and how at times all of us want what we don't have. All of the above come with the heavy weight of responsibility, and sometimes I think it would be nice to escape that for just a little while! So I guess the moral of the story is that we all have make the most out of the life we've been given, and the choices we've made! And success and having it all comes in many different forms, and I think you're doing amazing things!

  3. Love this Carly! You have worked so hard, you should get to enjoy the success. I've found that I feel much more at peace with myself since I entered my 30's. I don't feel that I have to prove myself and yet I keep managing to do so anyway.
    All I can say is may the good times keep coming!

  4. Oh No not the cheese platter!!!

  5. I really like the closing remarks of this post, the rest is great too of course, all that food makes a girl hungry, but I love that you can be present to the opportunity and the awesome that is your life NOW instead of the idea of what it could or should be. I need to take a leaf out of this book, remember all I have instead of putting a big circle around the things I feel are still missing. Thank YOU for the reminder. xo

  6. I love your blog Carly and I'm glad you're so happy! :)

    Minor gripe - I wish people would stop calling biscuits 'cookies' - this seems to be becoming more and more common and it makes me sad to see Australia becoming increasingly Americanised.

  7. Thanks Kat! The restaurant was actually an American themed restaurant and the word cookie was on the menu :)I say biscuits.

  8. Thirty was my epiphany year too Carly... like you I wasn't married at that stage, and was lucky enough to have a mother who encouraged me not to gauge my success with THAT measuring stick! I think there is a great skill in taking joy from the little things - that's what happiness REALLY is. The sum of the little joys.

    Love your food indulgence here... makes me feel not so guilty!


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