
09 September 2012

Sunday snippets

Yesterday Trudie came to visit! She moved back to Perth last year and I have missed her. We did lots of fun things including shopping (seeing some interesting mannequins), a movie (Kath and Kimderella (um - don't bother), and lots of eating (Brunetti's, Victoria Market and Grill'd)! I had a haircut too. And I bought two pairs of bathers for the surfing lesson on Thursday. I made pizzas for dinner - roast chicken, tomato, basil, spinach, brie and pear.







  1. Bahahaha where is that article about the micro pig from? I shouldn't be laughing but I am.

    1. Hahah Laurel it was Wman's Day or New Idea at the hairdresser! Such a funny story!!!


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