
28 July 2012

Travel tales: a brighter day. New accommodation.

I feel much better today. Thank you for your lovely comments of support for yesterday's blog post. Much appreciated. I read a tweet that said when we travel we are like toddlers - we need more sleep, food and care than when we live our daily lives, and I think this is true.

Our accommodation that we rented was less than suitable - lugging six pieces of luggage up five flights of stairs in this heat was a challenge - among many other shortfalls. And so we cancelled that accommodation and checked into a hotel this afternoon. It is luxury compared to our apartment - good lighting, a TV, airconditioning, lifts. And I feel more relaxed and rested here.
It is very grand! We are located in the heart of New York. Right amongst the bustle of it all. And it is right opposite this!
We went into a cafe and I had matzo ball soup - chicken soup for the soul and respiratory system. We met two lovely people there too.
I think I am coming around to loving New York!


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