
11 March 2012

Sunday Snippets - long weekend

It's a long weekend in Melbourne. The weather is glorious, it's lazy, I feel more on track with my thesis - drawing up a timeline and narrowing my focus, and I don't have to go back to work until Tuesday. Happy days.

This morning I sat on the couch for two hours, reading a magazine and listening to the radio. I really read it too, not just flicking through the pictures. Relax, it was SBS Feast, not a trash mag!

Here are some photos of the first half of my long weekend. Photos arranged by Diptic, published with Instagram.

First up - morning tea and laughs with Cam at Hasfrau in Yarraville. I love Hausfrau - it's a homestyle German bakery, with rustic yet pretty sweet pastries and cakes, and hearty savouries.
From top left: mini tartlets that Cam bought - I ate a custard and strawberry one when I was sitting down. Elderflower drink - I love Elderflower and wish I drank it more. It's big in Tassie. My Croque Monsiuer (toasted ham sandwich topped with bechamel and cheese) served with two salads to make me feel better about eating pure bechamel! The sandwich was divine, but the salads really won me over - feta and beetroot, and pea, egg and spinach. Yum! Cam had a lemon syrup cake and a coffee.

Cam gave me two beautiful tops she picked up from the op shop - an apricot cardi and a sheer black ruffle blouse with silver buttons. We also went to an op shop in my neighbourhood where she got two footstools ($4 each!) and I got (possibly) a brand new Sportsgirl dress ($6) and a pretty dinner set ($10). It was a lovely morning!

Next stop was a nap. I was a bit sore by this time and worried I wouldn't make my next appointment - seeing my friend playing in a band at Moomba festival. Unfortunately I needed to get my face right and missed his band (plus I walked so far just to find the stage!) but I did meet him and we walked around looking at the colourful rides and then watched a band (The Paper Kites). Moomba was fun, but a lot of people, and it was quite warm too.

I then got the tram to Mamasita where I met another friend. We had to queue for a while - but not too long - gosh I wish restaurants would take bookings! - and then had a drink at the bar. Here's what we ate. From top left: a Mexican style salsa verde, spicy fish taco (mine) and corn (my friend's).

From top left: self explanatory cider, chicken quesadilla (my friend's) and hickory smoked salmon with quinoa and chill (mine). That salmon was probably the yummiest cooked salmon I've ever had - I prefer my salmon raw or smoked and cold. The skin was crisp, the sauce was like honey, and the salmon was at the perfect level between raw and cooked.

We went back to Moomba to see Owl Eyes (she does the best version of Pumped Up Kicks) who was just lovely. Then we headed our separate ways. I was so glad to get into bed after all the walking I did. And so I watched Lily Allen's Riches to Rags doco on iView, which I really enjoyed.

Right now I am off to do some more writing and then cook a scallop pie, as challenged by my Dad.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

This post is part of TinnieGirl's Sunday Snippets meme.


  1. Thank goodness you put the name of that sandwich in there 'Croque Monsiuer'. I was trying to remember it all night! Yummo - thanks for the fun brunch and oppy spree.

    1. You will have to make a Croque Monsieur at home! I only eat them at Hausfrau because I need to use some self control!

      I hope you are putting your feet up on the foot stools!

  2. Oh my goodness - how great is Mamasita? Even their corn is amazing. I'm also enjoying the Rags to Riches doco. I'm surprised how much I like Lily Allen as a person.

    Hope your weekend continues to be lovely.


    1. Thanks Sue - and yours too. Mamasita is great - though it is so trendy the queues are long! The food is worth the wait though. I haven't been disappointed yet! If you eat fish, I recommend the salmon. So good.

  3. I just loved the look at all that food, especially the toasted sandwich!

  4. Those mini-tartlets look scrumptious! I really do get serious food envy from your blog these days.


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