
18 March 2012

Not a very exciting post.

I have been a little absent from blogging this week. I haven't been well, felt quite tired, and paying some much needed attention to my thesis.

I've got a few ideas for posts in mind, so stay tuned. Must get back into writing lots and scheduling posts!

On Friday night I went to Northcote to see bands play - review to come. I met a friend of a friend who had this awesome tshirt. And I had to take a photo! I need one of these!

I've been reflecting on the good times I've had lately, and as much as I like to spend time alone, I love spending time with awesome friends. I feel really content. It's nice.

I have to do some cleaning before the cleaner comes, and cook dinner now, so I'll sign off. But I promise my blogging mojo will return soon :)

I hope you've all had a good weekend.


  1. Glad to hear you are ok and content with life.We all need to step back sometimes and get things in order.Goodluck with your thesis.Its nice to reflect on the good times.We all should do that more often.That can be my lesson from your blog today.Thankyou.Much love x

  2. I love that shirt, Carly. So much :) Nice little honest post!
    Heidi xo

  3. That shirt is way too cute! Good to know you're still around. :)

  4. OMG I want that t-shirt. I was the biggest babysitters club fan ever. Don't stress about the blogging, we do it because we love it, you wouldn't want it to be a chore or it just wouldn't be the same. Hope you are feeling better.

  5. omg. where can i get one of those t-shirts?!!!!


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