
03 February 2012

Aim for the Stars, Changing Faces and cheese.


It's been a funny week. After a four day weekend, I spent a short amount of time at work on Monday and then on Monday I went to hospital to get my sore foot looked at. The pain was excruciating. And so after a five and a half hour wait in emergency, a one hour consultation with a VERY NICE emergency doctor and a foot dressing, with instruction to return to the dermatologist the next morning. I had four days off work this week with couch rest. Last night I realised I hadn't had any human contact until someone knocked on my door at 9.30 pm alerting me to a car with its lights on. My foot is healing slowly and I can finally walk on it without wincing.

So today I went to work - it was good to see humans again. I stocked up on yummy foods from my green grocer and this for dinner.

Tasmanian cheese and salmon, hummus, tomato, fig, strawberries and grissini. I also made a cocktail of peach juice, ginger beer and white wine.

I also have some really exciting news... last week I got a call from surfer Layne Beachley who told me I have been successful in receiving a grant through her Aim for the Stars Foundation. I want to start the Australian branch of Changing Faces and proposed this idea in my Aim for the Stars application. The grants have been formally announced now so I wanted to tell you all here. Tonight I have a skype interview with the CEO of Changing Faces, and on Monday I meet with the Centre of Appearance Research who are here in Melbourne for a visit to discuss how I can work with them. I am so excited about all these opportunities coming to me!

Next stop to find a sponsor for BlogHer. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. 

It's all happening :)


  1. Wow, congrats! Very exciting stuff! Good luck with the interview!
    And great to hear the foot is ok and on the mend!

  2. Glad to hear you're on the mend! Congratulations again on getting that grant - I hope the intervew goes well!

    1. Thank you - it's really exciting! I hope you are well xx

  3. BRILLIANTINO!!!!! Carly that is just fabulous news. Well done.


  4. Congrats! Sounds like a very exciting opportunity. Also, your dinner looks absolutely fabulous. Much better than the bran cereal I'm eating halfway around the world.

    1. Thanks so much - you know, I've never had cereal for dinner.

  5. Congrats on the grant! So exciting and what a nice way to end a bit of a cruddy week.

    Oh and I'm totally jealous of that dinner - yumm-o.


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