
07 January 2012

I don't care what my teacher says, I want to be a super model

In the first week back at work for the year (only 51 more to go, people!) - a week where public transport ticket prices went up, Melbourne weather fluctuated between ridiculously hot and wind chills, each hour during the day felt like three and I took a fleeting interest in cricket (Michael Clarke 329 not out), there was only one certainty. Laksa King for dinner tonight.

When I went to go to get my cider (what a bargain it was at $13 for a six pack!) while I waited for my laksa to be made, the takeaway beeper started vibrating and beeping. I felt very important, like I was very busy in two places at once, being called to attend to a very important situation - picking up laksa. I almost felt like a doctor. A doctor of food appreciation perhaps. I feel very cross-cultural with my Tasmanian cider and Malaysian laksa, all the way from Flemington.

This arrived in the mail today. It's my Darren Hayes fanclub pack. Very exciting! I especially love the patch, which I have considered using as a feature on a handmade iPad case, when I get my iPad (I neeeeeeeed one for BlogHer in New York. I do.).

Progression has been made on the New York trip planning front. I booked my leave yesterday (nothing like preparing for a holiday on the first week back at work for the year). I am taking four weeks and one day off work - one day to get my stuff together, three weeks overseas and one week to recover. I also sourced two luggage tags (I think they're going to be my new interest, the way I love brooches), and got one of my passports acquainted with its new home - a beautiful leather passport wallet which I received for Christmas. I especially like the popcorn luggage tag. My mission for America is to pack light, so I probably won't need any more luggage tags because I shall only take one suitcase and a carry-on.

And I now have a small collection of New York travel books, and a large collection of travel brochures. All I want to do is eat street food, visit everywhere Felicity went and perhaps go to Sesame Street, but it appears New York City has so much more to offer.
With these small things sorted, I feel like my trip is becoming a reality. I have a list of questions to ask my doctors when I go to hospital on Tuesday. I am sure I will be over prepared.

Something else that became a reality this week was my excess Twitter use. Just as I sometimes spend time frittering my money away, this week I was twittering my time away. I was tweeting on two devices - my iPhone and MacBook (hello Apple!) and my cerebral something or other in my brain was getting quite the intellectual workout. I spent quite some time thinking of 'less ambitious books' - using the hashtag #lessambitiousbooks. Some of mine were 'Snugglepot and Cuddlepastry', 'Charlie and the Carob Factory', 'The Guinness Book of MP3s' and 'Pippi Ankle Sock'. LOL indeed.

And today I pretended to be a supermodel. I won't get out of bed for less than $5K. Unless you were giving me any amount of vouchers from the shopping centre to spend, then I'd get out of bed. Or if I was hungry - then I'd get out of bed for free. It wouldn't take much actually. The lovely Cam took some photos of me in different outfits for an upcoming feature somewhere. Vague I know. It was fun, but the constant changing of outfits meant I got a bit sore from the scraping of the clothes. Here is a sneak peak.

It was fun choosing all the outfits and accessories and packing them in my case this morning (the most economical packing I've ever done, and Cam was a brilliant photographer - very encouraging! Whenever I got to Cam's house, I eat! We had morning tea - sampling two halves of sweet tarts - apple and lime - and then went to a bakery for lunch. Meeting up with Twitter turned real life friends means it is acceptable to take photos of food and tweet mid meal. I shared a coke with Comet. I felt like I was sharing it with the Jebediah song She's Like a Comet. Sort of. 
I swear the names on the Cokes are strange. I haven't seen my name yet, and my name was a bit common in the Carly Simon era. 

Finally, and don't say I don't regularly do community service work, the highlight of my day on Thursday was when my colleague said to me 'that actor you love, you know the one whose photos you have stuck all around your desk, the one with the scar on his face. Have you seen that ad? He looks a bit gross'. And so I asked her if the ad was for the new Channel 10 show Bikie Wars. Yes she said. And so I did the only logical thing - googled Callan Mulvey on my phone. I was in love. A long haired, scruffy Callan Mulvey. 
No need to thank me. He is hot isn't he?

Ok, I am off to eat my Laksa King, I had to leave it a bit so I wasn't eating at old person/hospital time. I'm starving Marvin!


  1. Great post Carly.

    The Comet Coke can is part of the Christmas / reindeer coke cans - when I was santas helper last year a little boy bought santa two cans of coke, one with Santa and the other with rudolf.

  2. Fab post, Carly!

    Can't wait to see the final photos and your iPad case with the patch :-)

    SSG xxx

    Sydney Shop Girl blog

  3. Great post, the clothes are lovely and wooohooo on the NY trip getting more real for you :)

  4. Oh! He's gorgeous! Hubba Hubba.
    Watch that super model urge. Super models are only allowed to eat half a lettuce leaf and three sultanas for lunch. At dinner they get the whole lettuce leaf.
    I love that red ruffled skirt.

  5. Ohhh, I love the anticipation of a trip! Looking forward to reading as the excitement builds...August, right?

    Have been reading for a bit, and have liked (and used many a times) your LinkWithin tool...and have finally figured it out and added it to my own blog. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Oh how I lurve Callan Mulvey. I had no idea about this show and was royally pissed Rush was axed, so I will be checking this one out for sure!

  7. I've never heard of laksa before...sadly, I don't think it's something that I could find here in my wee little Canadian city.

  8. Hi CArly!

    my best tip for NYC is to pick up a copy of Time Out (or look at the website)- it has gig, gallery, theatre listings etc. Also NYMAG is great for restaurants.

    I watched Being Elmo last night as per your recommendation and loved it.


  9. Ah Drazic, one of my first loves! <3
    I love your outfits, you are totally rocking those coloured jeans! You're inspiring me to search for a pair :)


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