
25 October 2011

Music I've been missing - Darren Hayes lyrics

There's something about Darren Hayes songs that make me feel safe, and warm and at peace. The familiarity of his voice, which I have adored for half of my life, and the imagery his lyrics paint. His songs speak to me - I often feel they're written about me, and I know many fans who feel this way too. There are not many other artists who I relate to so much - I could count them on one hand. 

For years I've immersed myself in The Lover After Me, Dublin Sky, Darkness and Who Would Have Thought?. The words and sounds enveloped me like a rich sky, there's a warmth to them. I like the darkness, the sadness. It's humanising. I especially like walking through cold city streets listening to these songs through headphones, pacing to the beat, feeling like Darren is my only company in the concrete jungle. 

And now with the release of Secret Codes and Battleships, I immerse myself again. It's been on constant repeat since Friday. He's the music I've been missing. 

As I mentioned previously, I identify so much with this album. So many lyrics feel like they pertain to what's gone on for me since June. The lyrics are comforting yet hard to hear. Don't Give Up ("I want to run to run away from this, but I wouldn't leave a sinking a ship, without you in it there's no point to our story..."), Hurt (it's everything I was warned about), Talk Talk Talk and Bloodstained Heart (it's so comforting, I feel looked after and loved when I listen) resonate with me most. Cruel Cruel World reminds me of the connection I once had.

In the dark hours, Black Out The Sun makes my throat thick and eyes well with tears. The emotion of Darren's voice paired with the fated story in the song feels like my reality.

"...switch off the stars and paint the sky black
love isn’t ever coming back
there’s no use in imagining a world without you
your love was like a drug i was addicted to
because there’s nobody else who can hurt like you hurt me
I don’t want to be lonely
and there’s no other way there’s no joy there’s no meaning
just this hollowed out feeling..."

It's The Siren's Call that has become the light in my darkness - it has easily become a favourite. It's gentle, like a sailboat slowly drifting at sea, and lonely too. It feels a bit like the mornings I've woken up realising things won't be the same. I think of whales moaning, and a black bird carrying me through the air to a happier place. And like Darren sings, I can almost taste happiness.

"...But I can almost taste happiness
It's such a long way off
But I can almost feel your embrace
Above the siren's call

And I've seen a hint of it
This happiness
This bliss
Just knowing it exists I know that I must try
And I've caught a glimpse of it
One moment just one kiss
From the corner of my eye
Of better days gone by."

For so many days now I just wish that I could forget, and feel truly happy again, and soon. It seems like a long journey, but I feel these songs on Secret Codes and Battleships will help these feelings pass. 
"and i want so much to believe that i won’t disappear in the water that i won’t always be swimming against the tide..."
Thank you Darren. I know next week when I see you play live (twice) there will be tears.


  1. Isn't it amazing how lyrics can reach right into your soul like that. I feel I owe Duffy a debt of gratitude. Her album Rockferry definitely got me through a breakup. From "I'm Scared" describing how empty things felt, to "Mercy" describing my desire to get away, to "Warwick Avenue" and "Steping Stone" empowering me and finally "Distant Dreamer" for hope. Gosh that album was everything I needed.

  2. I promised I'd read this, now finally have. Absolutely agree. There is something so familliar about the last track too. It's relaxing but haunting at the same time if that is possible. I can't believe it's been four years since we last saw this man. Laughed at your comment about what to wear tomorrow night, I've been much the same. I actually have a dress the colour of this blog I could wear. Made me giggle when I loaded this page up tonight. Good minds.

    Can't wait to see you tomorrow lovely- 'till then, adieu.



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