
01 August 2011


I am really sore. It will pass. But still, I am really sore. It hurts to dress, it hurts to walk, it hurts to lie down. It hurts.

I went to get a medical certificate and antibiotics today. I went to buy a birthday card on the way. The sales assistant asked me why I look the way I do. She asked about whether I can sunbake. Fuck no! Even if I was well enough to get adequate sun exposure, I would never sunbake. I was there to buy a card, not to discuss dermatology.  I told her that I don't want to talk about why I look this way today. I rarely do.

My pain is most likely down to over-commitment. Long hours. Socialising. Conferences. My skin is not the only thing in pain. My heart aches. I can't write about it here. Or even find the words to write about it for myself.

I need to rest. I will be back soon, when I am feeling better.


  1. Oh Carly.

    Take care of yourself. I am nursing a tired brain and that does not in any way rate on the real pain tolerance scale.

    SSG xxx

    Sydney Shop Girl blog

  2. Hi Carly, you do not know me. But I am touched by the articles you have written. Have a good rest, we all love you.

  3. :( <3 Feel better soon m'lady Carly xox

  4. Oh Carly :-(
    I wish I could bear your pain for you - even for just a day, to give you some peace. Rest up, dear girl. We'll be here waiting for you. xx

  5. Funnily enough my word verification was "healogeo"!

  6. Carly, I hope rest brings you recovery from your pain, and quickly. I hope that your physical pain along with your heart pain is goon soon. Take care. xx

  7. Chin up Carly!! We all love you!!!! xooxoxxoxoxxooxxoxoxoxo

    Ingrid :)

  8. Hoping you're feeling like your gorgeous self again soon. Taking time out is a great idea.

  9. Get well soon Carly, take care of yourself x

  10. Thank you everyone, it is nice to read your wishes of love :)

  11. Take care, Carly. I hope things are better for you soon. :)

  12. I hate that you're hurting. I mean, I'm sorry your body hurts. But mostly I'm aching that your heart hurts. You have such a beautiful heart, Carly and I hate that it is sad right now.


  13. Hi Carly. I met you at said conference that has all us bloggers so exhausted. After reading your story I can only begin to understand why you feel the way you do. You've done well getting through this busy weekend. Enjoy your rest.
    Kia Kaha (be strong)

  14. I am hugging you via the computer right now, Carly. You humble me with your bravery, really you do.

  15. Today, after pretty much three days laying down, I feel like I might be able to walk and move around again. Recovering from this weekend has been miserable.

    Hope you're feeling better soon. xxx

  16. Feel better soon, sweet girl. I hope you get the rest (mental, physical AND emotional!) to come back strong and ready to charge into the ring!

  17. Take care of yourself, Carly. Nurture the wonderful whole self of you -body, heart, mind and spirit with lovely, nourishing foods, sleep and relaxing activities.

    Re-enter the world when you feel ready to tackle the challenges it poses. A period of hiatus at regular intervals is what saves me my sanity often - and I hope you find it rejuvenating too.

    Much love,
    Ms Melbourne.

  18. Hang in there beautiful! We all need a little break from life once in a while, so enjoy it. You always bounce back with a vengeance!!


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