
10 August 2011

Hello and thank you and exciting news

I am out of hospital now, resting at home until next Monday. I am feeling much better, after feeling so sore and tired for more than two weeks.

Thank you so much for the lovely wishes you left in the comments section, on Twitter and Facebook. Plus texts and visitors kept coming. I feel very loved. Thank you. Your support is so appreciated. Also thanks to Sydney Shop Girl for keeping you updated.

The rest I expected to get in hospital didn't really happen - time is marked by observations or medication or procedures. Blood pressure (mine is low). Tablets. Dressings (I negotiated mine down from four times a day to twice). And then there's teaching the nurses about ichthyosis and the treatment. I just wanted to sleep. So now I am at home I am just lazing about. It is nice to have been detached from the world for a short time - from the stuff happening in my own life to the serious tragedies worldwide.

Here are some hospital pictures.

Actually this is the sunset behind my house last Friday night.
 And my hand, wet bandaged.
 My friend brought cupcakes to share.
 This one is my favourite. Croquembouche.
 My what slim legs I've got. I did the bandages myself. A work of art!
 Really good magazines. Especially Paper.
This meal contained a banana. Bananas are like gold here. $15 per kilo. Free banana = lottery win!
I felt a bit of a fraud in hospital. I often do. Of course I had legitimate reason to be there, but I saw so many sicker people than me: people that needed the nurses more than me, people that weren't able to smile about their predicament. My care was fairly self managed - but it helped to have meals prepared and wet dressings and enforced semi-rest.

I got some new perspective in there. Not like the perspective by Katy Perry: 'I put on my catsuit and I got a crystal stuck under the bed of my finger. It's not fun' (as I read in Rolling Stone magazine in bed). Oh dear. I got the perspective of relative sickness, and the desire to make plans. I thought... overall I am pretty well, considering. And I am not usually spontaneous. And while I am well and young and only tied down by rent, I thought it's time to save for more than just clothes. And I was inspired by Eden and Mrs Woog flying the Aussie flag. 

So I booked a ticket to BlogHer'12 in New York in August 2012!!!!! 

I heard Empire State of Mind on the radio this morning, sprung out of bed and shouted, to no one but myself, 'I AM GOING TO NEW YORK!'. And then my eyes watered a little - I cried happiness at the thought! I banked my cheque from New Idea today, knowing it would help fund my trip. I called my managers to give them a health update and told them I'd be going to America this time next year.

And I thought about Carrie in Sex and the City and how, for a week, I may be just like her. Then I decided I'd rather be like my other NY heroine - Felicity Porter - wide eyed and frizzy haired, always loving the bad boys.


  1. Oh, Felicity Porter is my NY heroine too!

    Glad you are home and on the mend.

  2. Hello Carly

    So glad you're okay and resting up properly at home.

    Spoil yourself.

    Talk soon and so excited for you re NYC.

    SSG xxx

    Sydney Shop Girl blog

    PS - loving the hospital photos.

  3. hope you are getting better newest follower look forward to reading your posts

  4. Lovely to hear that you're back home and YAY for Blogher 2012 :)

  5. Yay Carly glad to hear you are doing better, and SO excited for you!!!!!!!! New York is amazeballs!!!!!!!!

  6. So glad your home and feeling a little better. Way to go you booking a ticket to NY!!!! You'll have an amazing time!

  7. Glad to hear you're home and doing well, and hooray for saving to go to Blogher!!
    Bananas are $15 a kilo?? They're only $13.98 over here in SA......

    I think Felicity Porter is way prettier than Carrie!

  8. I need yr postal address pls email me at Hope you are feeling better soon, you have been in my thoughts a lot xxxx

  9. I caved and bought my kid a (small) banana today. For the same price, I could have bought a giant chocolate muffin. She enjoyed it at any rate. Grats on scoring a free one!

  10. Oh go Carly! There's nothing like an upcoming overseas trip to lift the spirits, even if it is a year away. What's a year? seriously! :-)

    Gorgeous cupcakes and a banana! What more could a girl ask for? I expect you've come up trumps after that.

    And I LOVE Felicity... that hair!

  11. Wow Carly - NY is such an amazing city, so exciting to look forward to. Glad you are at home getting some rest xx

  12. New York City!!!
    Oh my goodness. You need to see a broadway show. You can't come to New York and now see a show.

    and bananas? really? that much? Here we buy them for hardly nothing and they go bad while we are busy living our lives and forgetting to eat them. I won't take them for granted again.

  13. Glad to hear you're doing well. Good on you for booking the trip. I am sure you will have an amazing time. Look forward to reading all about it.

  14. Glad you are feeling better :D and wow about NYC, how amazing!! I can't wait to read all about it hehe. x P.S I love Felicity too :)


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