
13 June 2011

Dogversionary tactics

I have a yearning to wear hats with animal ears. This yearning has only come about in recent years. Late 20s. Not age five. Check my Google search history and you will see I have searched for 'hats with animal ears' several times a day.

I found this unicorn onesie that I really really want.
Not sure where I'd wear it to, but I could see it next to my best dresses in my wardrobe.

On Saturday I saw a hat with animal ears! A black dog. $20! And I bought it.

I channeled a canine Olsen Twin Chic in a long skirt and jacket and my dog hat.
 People who stared at me didn't know where to look. Red face, dog hat, no, red face, NO, DOG HAT!
I call this diversionary tactics. When I wear something that takes the attention from my 'sunburn'. It confuses the onlookers.
In this case, I call it dogversionary tactics. Woof!


  1. Hahahaahaa I love it!!! RED FACE NO DOG HAT NO RED FACE NO DOG HAT!!!!


    I'm all for animal hats, I have several Hello Kitty ones and a chicken one.

    That unicorn onesie looks amazing!

  2. That is fantastic! It made me laugh. xx

  3. It looks awesome! I have the same yearning for animal headwear and know that there is a purveyor of such hats 10 minutes away from me. The price is a bit prohibitive for me at the moment but at least I know where to get them from.

  4. Oh Lordy!! Hats with ears!
    I love them.....on 3 year olds....
    Still, nice diversioary tactic.
    The unicorn onesie would be great as pyjamas. And for costume parties.

  5. Sportsgirl has been stalking your fashion - saw a bear hat in there the other day!


  6. Very cute. I've got a hoodie with little cat ears that also came with paw mittens. My OH hates it but I wont give it up.

  7. Oh my gosh, I love that unicorn onesie. I think it would be appropriate for most occasions, but then I am a little odd. That dog hat is adorable! And now, I think I am going to go & buy the panda beanie that I saw at the shops last weekend, but worried that I was maybe a little old for. Screw it, knitted animal hats are awesome!

  8. PMSL love it :) I have an affinity to for beanies that have ear flaps.

  9. You look positively adorable! Fellow animal hat lover here. I had a winter hat (till Ruby ate it) with dog ears, eyes, snoot, and a tongue. People always looked at me like *OLD* FACE WITH DOG HAT!

  10. Hey carly,
    just doing a bit of reading and catching up on your blog posts. :)

    have you seen these?

    pajama's that you could certainly put it to use as a costume ;) im going to make a order in a few weeks. Take care hun. xx


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