
26 February 2011

A few kind words

Hello! You may have noticed my new blog header. Isn't it awesome?!

It was made by the lovely creative Camille from CurlyPops. Thanks Cam, I love it!

And this morning I woke up to read some kind words about my own blog. I took part in a blog carnival on the Chronic Babes website. I submitted possibly the most personal blog entry I've written. And Jenni, host of the carnival wrote this about my blog:
Carly Findlay at Tune Into Radio Carly writes about Sex. And WOW, am I impressed. I kind of want to be her new best friend. It's about time someone in her position (see? I made a sex joke!) wrote a frank article about sex, disclosure, and the particulars of her life. LOVE. THIS. POST.
Wow! Thanks Jenni :)

You can check out the blog carnival here. There are some great blogs to be read :)

PS: don't forget, you can interact with me on my Facebook page.


  1. Thanks Carly - it looks fab (if I do say so myself ha ha)!
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Yay to the new header AND the compliments!! Nice to see Callan Mulvey got a spot in the header ;)

  3. Great header, she did mine too, and I love it! She's a clever cookie, that Curlypops!


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