
21 January 2011

New ABC Ramp Up article written by me!!

So I have been away without bare essentials (mobile phone and internet access) for three days. While I was away, my second ABC Ramp Up article was published. Hurrah! The picture above shows my article on the front page. And the one below is a preview.
Go read it. You'll laugh. You might cry. And you'll think twice about commenting on someone's appearance.

Read Did You Just Say That on ABC Ramp Up.

I still can't believe I'm writing for The ABC!

While you're at it, check out Stella Young's editorial.


  1. Hi girl...
    Very cool girl...

    Have a great day from a sunny Oslo :)

  2. Dear Carly,

    Your pieces leave me speechless - but in a good way. Keep informing and inspiring!


  3. Dear Ms Carly, Excellent article. My husband who had to wait for me outside my building more times and for longer than he should have commented that it was like playing EEO bingo. I had not noticed because we have such diversity that we generally don't see or care how people are ethnically different or whether they have a seeing eye dog - are they nice and are they good at their jobs? I think we could all do more to be blind to things over which we and other people have no control and focus on what people make of themselves.


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