
13 December 2010

Enough about me, let's talk about YOU for a minute: Kendi Everyday

Welcome to the Enough about me, let's talk about YOU for a minute series on my blog. It's to celebrate my birthday and blogiversary week. Each day until and including 15 December I will feature a guest blogger who I admire. I hope you enjoy the series as much as I did collating it.

Kendi is the kind of fashion blogger you you yearn to be friends with. She's from Kendi Everyday. As her blog name suggests, she documents her outfits everyday. 

She hails from Texas, and I found her through a recommendation on the Vogue Forums

Kendi does fashion AND funny. She's clever. Really clever. One reason is because of her talent of and complexion that lends itself to wearing mustard well. Let's face it. Not many people can wear mustard well.

And I wish I could wear shorts as well as Kendi. And if I ever went to her house, she'd have to lock away this dress because I love it and pretty much want to marry it.

Kendi does a fashion remix thing where she takes 30 items from her wardrobe and mixes them with accessories over 30 days, creating a different outfit every day. This is my favourite remix from her previous 30 by 30.

Kendi's like a quirky and beautiful Zooey Deschanel character, but she happens to exist in real life. 

Thanks for writing from across the seas, Kendi. 

Guest blog by Kendi Lea:

How has blogging changed my life? The only answer to this question is indefinitely. 

I started blogging at Kendi Everyday about a year ago. Had someone told me that it would evolve into what it is and I would become the person I am today, I'm not sure if I would have even started it. I know that sounds weird, but its true. Status quo usually wins, so anything out of the norm scares me away. This blog is anything but normal for my life. My life was supposed to go this way: graduate college, get married, get a good job, start a family, raise family, go on an alaskan cruise for 30th wedding anniversary, the end. But somehow my life made a detour when I started Kendi Everyday. I've "met" so many wonderful new friends that I talk to weekly. I've been able to find my personal style and in turn save money on clothing, since I'm not wasting my money on something I'll never wear. My husband has found a true passion in photography, even though we knew the talent was there all along. Most importantly, I found a voice to write to and an audience who wants to hear it. The words aren't always there, but the voice is. For that reason alone, my life has changed and every day I am so thankful for it. 

Kendi Everyday was never supposed to happen. It was a hiccup in the life that someone else had planned for me. And it's been the best interruption so far. 

Thank you Carly for letting me guest blog today! Happy Birthday to your blog and to you! 


  1. Really enjoyed reading your post today, Kendi.

    Thank you!!

    SSG xxx

    Sydney Shop Girl blog

  2. Carly -- Thanks for the feature! And you can have that dress! I didn't know you liked it so much!

  3. I'm so glad to see this guest post by Kendi! She's definitely one of my favorite bloggers for the same reasons you mentioned: she's got great personal style and her entries are so entertaining!

  4. What a fun way to celebrate your birthday/blog birthday!

    The Auspicious Life

  5. Another insanely interesting post. Thanks Carly xx

  6. Thanks Carly and Kendi - two of my favourite bloggers. Kendi is the most adorable thing on earth! My favourite post of hers was her video tutorial of how she does her hair.

    xx Polly

    Hey Carly, it's our anniversary at the moment, did you know? Since we first met via Vogue KK? Sigh. Lovely getting to know you :)


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