
28 October 2010

Maggie Alderson book launch

Last night I went to a book launch for my favourite fashion journalist, Maggie Alderson. It was at Readings in Hawthorn, a shopping strip I've never visited before, but want to properly acquaint myself with.

I've been reading Maggie's column in The Age Good Weekend magazine for years - it's often my favourite section. And in the past year, I've been talking to her via Twitter.

Last night Maggie asked for a show of hands to indicate who were her Twitter friends in the audience. A huge proportion of the audience put their hand up. I was very excited that she recogised me and singled me out with a hello at the start of the launch.

Maggie spoke of the friends she has made through Twitter, and I'd agree with her - I've made many new friends through Twitter and also this blog. It's not so taboo now to meet people from the internet. I met three lovely bloggers at the book launch - Semi Expat, She Wore it Well, and Semi Expat's niece Sophie. It was great to meet them, they are as nice 'in real life' as they are on their blogs. I've met a few people from the internet recently! (Maggie is as lovely in real life too!)

Maggie's new book, Shall We Dance?, is set in a vintage clothing store. I can't wait to read it! Tomorrow night after work is reading time.

Last night Maggie told stories of her love of vintage clothing, and also the term 'vintage friendships'. She brought in her favourite vintage clothing, accessories and shoes to show us, and audience members did too.
This is a scarf Maggie adores - she thinks it's been sewn from a dress

Unfortunately all I had to share were my heavily diamante encrusted heels that I'd bought in China Town yesterday - they are for the ball on Saturday - not vintage, merely six hours old at the time of Maggie's launch, but I showed them off anyway. Maggie loved them and said my feet are smaller than hers! (We are around the same height in heels.)

The thing I love about Maggie is how she tells stories about fashion. Clothing memoirs. How friendships were formed through clothing or shopping. Her own fashion dilemmas and successes. I told her this in a card I gave her.

Maggie, it was so nice to meet you and I thank you for sharing the special things in your life.


  1. So exciting, thanks for posting! I'm seeing her tonight in Brisbane but I forgot my camera :( Might go home at lunch at grab it!

  2. Wish I had of been there! What a great launch. And the book looks great too.

  3. So glad you had a wonderful time! Maggie is so lovely :) I love that she recognised you and said hello, too. Yay!

  4. What a special event!

    Thanks for sharing. So lucky to have met my other much loved Melbourne blogger buddies as well.

    SSG xxx

  5. Oh my gosh, she is my fave female author, youre so lucky to have met her! I cannot wait to read her new book. Yay!

  6. You got some great photos too Carly! It was a lovely evening and wonderful to meet you too. X

  7. What great photos! I am yet to read one of her books, now I can't wait to get my hands on one :)

  8. Sounds like a wonderful night. I love her books too. I would love to discuss vintage fashion with her. Lucky thing!


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