
31 October 2010

Cinderella at the ball

Last night was my work ball, and this is what I wore:

I took lots of photos, but my no blogging about work rule means that you only get to see these two.

I thought it was safer wearing this dress than the Ladakh one. It was definitely more comfortable and less worrying.

My dress and top were by Target, shoes by some little shop in China Town, headband and bangle by Mimco, and stockings by Voodoo. I also wore a champagne coloured trench (a bit like this) by Portmans and carried my Target clutch.

My colleagues looked gorgeous too - I vote us the most attractive table in the room.

For the record, I did not meet my Prince Charming.


  1. I love the dress, that blue colour is gorgeous!!

  2. I just love that dress!!! Looking gorgeous, I hope you had a lot of fun! xo

  3. Great dress. The Target clutch was perfect!

    SSG xxx

  4. Love the dress, it's a beautiful colour! Hope you had a great time.

    x Patty

  5. Great dress Carly - wonderful colour - you look good - happy and comfortable too. Glad you had fun even though P.Charming did not materialise! X

  6. The colour of that dress is gorgeous - it looks lovely on you. It probably wasn't quite warm enough to weat the Ladakh dress comfortably, thanks to our lovely changeable Spring weather. That dress was a lovely choice.

  7. That color is beautiful on you! Hope you had fun! :)

  8. you look so pretty and LOVE the frock!! Hope all is well with you Carls xxx

  9. You look GREAT Carly!! This is my favourite neckline for a dress ever.

    Hey just letting you know you won the face dress giveaway on my blog. Details in my last post.


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