
05 April 2010

Beautiful blogger award

I was awarded the Beautiful Blogger Award by Brea at Brea's Befuddled Brain and Missea. Thank you both! Thanks for reading my work and for taking the time to comment, and also for this little nomination.

As I'm still wanting to blog about more serious matters, I want to let my thoughts become more inspired before I write. I fear this blog is getting boring. And like a lot of things I do, I strive for perfection and want to produce quality work. I hope it's not going to wane for too much longer.

So this little award will do for now.

The rules for this award are:

1. Thank the person who nominated me for this award (check)
2. Copy the award and place it on my blog (check)
3. Link to the person who nominated me for this award (check)
4. Share 7 interesting things about myself
5. Nominate 7 other beautiful bloggers

My blog has revealed so much about me already. It's hard to come up with interesting things that you may not already know about me. Maybe I have to think of quirky things. Here goes...

- I prefer cheese to chocolate. If there were two boys, say Hamish and Andy, and Hamish had some Cadbury Dairymilk and Andy had some Castello cheese, I'd take Andy every time. Even though I much prefer Hamish, and I once wrote to a newspaper saying my ideal men in Melbourne (aside from Callan of course) are Hamish Blake tied to Rodger Corser in my bedroom. Ahem. Anyhow, back to the PG rating.

- I really don't enjoy shoe shopping. My feet are small and I find it hard to get shoes in my size. Most of my heels have straps on them so my feet don't fall out. I am not very good at walking in heels. I much prefer clothes shopping. My Mum has about a hundred and eleventy pairs of shoes. I have about 30, but maybe only wear about 10 pairs.

- I once won a Highly Commended Award for the Sydney Morning Herald Young Writer's Competition. My story was about my Dad's love for football.

- I prefer big dogs to small yappy snarky ones. Big dogs are always at a place where you can see them. I get a bit scared of little dogs, but happy to pat a large retriever or dalmation.

- In 1997 I held off on buying any new CDs in case me doing so toppled Savage Garden from the number one spot on the ARIA charts. I also claimed to dislike Hanson because MmmBop rivaled Truly Madly Deeply for chart positions, but I secretly quite like them. I have recently put some Hanson on my iPod.

- I can touch my nose with my tongue.

- When I was six years old, I wanted to have long hair when I grew up. I have never reached that dream. My skin condition means that my hair breaks off at the root. This dream is written in my Royal Children's Hospital patient history and my dermatologist quoted it to me recently.

OK. Now to pass this on to 7 other bloggers. These are the blogs I visit regularly and enjoy. They are also bloggers who visit me. You should visit them too.

1.Megan at Writing Out Loud
2.Jen at Jentopia
3.Soul Princess
4.Anita at Love Vulcanella
5.Mez at Blithely Unaware
6.Nite Writer at Nite Writing
7.Ms Curious at Confessions of a Curious Mind


  1. Hamish + Rodger - what a thought.... mmm... :)

    lol re: your dedication to Savage Garden's no 1 hit. Love your committment!!

    xx Polly

  2. Thank you Carly:)
    You are a sweetheart:)

    Have a goo day -SP

  3. Awww Carly!! Thank you :)

    Now, about the blog you post you wrote about how people react when they are told they are going to die. I wrote a LONG reply to this post as I feel very passionately about this area of nursing. Then I went to send it and for some reason it didn't post. I got so mad at the computer I gave up. I want you to know I really appreciated that post, it made me think about where I want to go with my career.

    So thank you, for your beautiful writing and the award.

    You're a constant inspiration. ♥

  4. Thank you so much for this!!
    Love your seven things!

  5. High five to the cheese before chocolate rule! Actually no, it's more like a cheese after chocolate rule for me. I love chocolate a lot, but chocolate causes cheese cravings for me. Weird huh? I ALWAYS have to have some cheese after I have chocolate. Ugh cheese is the best! xo

  6. sweet, sweet carly: thank you :)
    we write our words because it makes us feel good, but when someone else reads them and appreciates them... good lord, we feel all fuzzy inside :)

    i second the big vs yappy dog opinion and... have you tried extensions? at least in the states (at beauty supply stores) you can get clip on ones made with real hair for about $100. i've used them time and again, since my hair takes forever to grow.


Thank you for reading my blog. I love receiving comments :)
I really appreciate the time you've taken to write to me, and to share something about yourself.