
04 March 2010

Oh yeah...

Hey! I have 72 followers! 71 actually, because I follow myself.

Thank you everyone :)

And thank you for all the lovely comments. It's so nice to come home and read them. You have all been so genuinely nice and uplifting. I appreciate it a lot.

If you stop by, please comment, don't be shy. I'd love to hear from you and get to know you better too.

It still astounds me that strangers and friends take the time to read what I've written. And at least 71 of you. Wow.

The googlers aren't making me as nervous now, either. Lots of people are googling 'carly findlay' or 'radio carly'. Someone even googled 'parental concerns about silverchair's lyrics' - I laughed! Parental concerns about silverchair's lyrics are unwarranted considering the soft porn on MTV and the degrading lyrics on commercial radio.

I digress.

Thank you.

Much love.


  1. I follow myself too. Glad I'm not the only one!

    I feel so special when I see a new follower on my blog, so I know the feeling.

    I'm really enjoying your blog - and glad that you're enjoying your first week back at uni!

    Jodi x

  2. Congratulations that you have 72 followers Carly... most envious! and love the look of the Bircher museli.. yum!

  3. Congrats on all the followers, Carly!! Respect. I was just thinking about followers and google searches myself.

    I love tracking where all the people who stop by on my blog come from. Agree, the google searches are pretty good value too.

    Here's to followers and random google searches that lead people to our blogs.

  4. I find that I am learning about you now, when I should have been doing so 10 years ago...I love reading your blogs because half the time they have me racing off to do my own!!

  5. OMG - SSG - I love tracking visitors too. I am a bit obsessed.

    Kelly - that is a lovely thing to say :) thank you.

  6. Missea - you inspired my blog post above!

    Semi Expat - thank you. I love reading your adventures. You always have nice pictures.

  7. I agree re: Silverchair's lyrics Carly.

    Love following your blog.

  8. You have 73 followers now-- you're on a roll!

    'parental concerns about silverchair's lyric'. Hahaha, ah those searches make me laugh.

    Hope you're having a great week x

  9. Hi :)
    Congrats Carly:)
    Thats my girl:)
    But, parental concerns about Silverchair ??????people do many strange things...have they even listened to the music????

    The only thing you hear on the radio these days are Hip Hop - bitch and ho music like i tend to call it! - Now that aught to be parents concern....

    Haha that´s funny:)
    Have an amazing day ...SP

  10. Thanks everyone :)

    As for Silverchair's lyrics - they are honest and beautiful and they shouldn't be a concern. If anything, I am sure they've saved many lives due to people being able to relate.

  11. I like your blog. I'm one of the newbies and am looking forward to hearing more from you. x P23


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I really appreciate the time you've taken to write to me, and to share something about yourself.