
20 March 2010

Superglue, brooches and Ethiopian food

I wanted to share a few of the things I have done so far this weekend. It's been busy but nice.

My Mum was down to stay last night and we went for dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant. It was wonderful! Excuse the quality of the photos, I only had my iPhone.

Ethiopian food is to be eaten with your hands. I've never eaten a hot meal from a plate with my hands, other than a burger or a toasted sandwich, or if I pick up a bone to scrape. You wrap the food up with pieces of bread.

For entree we had grilled eggplant that was marinated in lemon and spices.

The eggplant was served with Injera bread.

Injera bread looks like a giant flat crumpet. It's a bit lemony, very soft and delicious.

Mum ordered slow cooked goat cooked with cinnamon and cardamom. It was like a home cooked meal in a slow cooker - so full of flavour. Very sweet and rich.

I ordered raw beef marinated in paprika, onion, lemon and chili. I like my steak mooing, so this meal suited me. Raw beef is nothing to be afraid of if it's done right.

The food was so flavoursome and I will certainly be going back to eat there or get takeaway. Cheap too. Highly recommended!

Today I did TWO HOURS of bellydancing and my calves are tired! So. Much. Shimmying. It was my last week of the term as next Saturday I have uni all day. I will miss class, but I will go again next term.

For the rest of the day, I went to a meeting/BBQ for my volunteer work. It was great to see everyone.

And tonight, I cooked a meal - pasta with seafood.

I wouldn't normally get Weight Watchers pasta, but it was the only egg fettucini in the fresh pasta section at Coles and it was only $3.

I cooked up some of Mum and Dad's homegrown greens, a few halved cherry tomatoes, two cloves of garlic, olive oil and lemon juice, plus seafood marinara mix, salt and pepper.

These are two of my favourite pots. The green one is from my Nanny. It is very old and a bit battered, but it cooks pasta well, and also good for soup. The black one is from a little store in Brunswick - it can go in the oven and microwave and on the stove. I cook a lot of things in there - stews, Asian hotpots and rhubarb are my favourite things to cook in this pot - it seems to allow foods to develop great flavour. I have a taller one too. It was only about $14.

I served it the the pasta.

Really easy, really cheap. And it took about 20 minutes.

I had a glass or two of the best cheap wine you will ever taste - Banrock Station pink moscato for $5.25. I love this glass too. It's a champagne flute, but I use it as a wine glass because it's pretty. I bought a set of six from an opshop for $6.

I decided to watch Mrs Doubtfire for the 4858th time and make some jewellery.

For some reason I can't find my pliers so there was no chain and charm action happening. Glue it was.

Woah. What an adventure.

I have a heap of little things that are pretty but I don't use or are broken. Like hairclips, pendants and charms. I want to use them again, and show off their beauty and cuteness.

I didn't know superglue was so dangerous.

As soon as I managed to open it, it squirted out, over my hands. Then I felt my eyes burning from the fumes. I rushed to the bathroom to wash it off, but it dried quickly. Fortunately my eyes only stung for about 30 seconds.

Dad wasn't home to seek advice from. So I googled it.

Acetone gets superglue off skin. What has acetone in? Nailpolish remover. Guess what - the nailpolish remover I use is acetone free. Because acetone hurts my skin.

So I've just been soaking my hands in warm soapy water, which also does the trick according to Google, but it takes several applications. My fingers are less rigid now, and I've managed to peel some dry superglue off. It doesn't hurt, and I didn't have to go to hospital like I imagined.

I digress.

I had to make my jewellery wearing vinyl gloves and sunglasses. Hah!

Tonight I have made four brooches. I love brooches and have quite a few. And my little thingies from previous accessories were perfect for brooches.

The heart is a clay pendant my Mum bought me from the Henty Field Days (as the song on the ad says, 'go to the Henty Field Days, there's nothing like it anywhere...'). It has a little girl with a bonnet on, watering flowers. I have had it since I was about eight years old and I love it.

The flower is a gold, green and clear plastic clip-on earring. I bought the pair of clip-ons from an op-shop and I've been meaning to make one into a brooch. Not sure what I'll do with the other one.

The dog is a hand-made resin cut out that used to be attached to a hairclip.

And the panda was from a belt I used to wear when I was three years old. The belt was purple and had little pandas printed on it, with the plastic panda as a buckle. I think it's cute.

And that's it so far. Tomorrow I am writing a paper for uni summarising a report about the ethics of researching people who know they are going to die. It's pretty interesting.

Hope you are all having a good weekend.


  1. Gosh you have been busy .... great brooches!! The food that you had with your Mum and the pasta seafood dish you made both look delish!

  2. Looks like a great weekend already! Love the cute brooches.

  3. Wow! You have been super busy Carly. Oh the gems that one can pick up from an op shop. I love it when I find something special and useful.
    Hope tomorrow is a good day for you and your writing :)

  4. Who's the paper by and what's it called? I would be very interested to read it.

  5. I feel like shite. I have a head cold. But your post made me smile. Sounds like you've had a fun night. The heart brooch is kinda holly hobbie. Love it! And I have SOOOO done the superglue thing before, lol. Hope your hands aren't sore from it though.
    Ok going to bed now. Big week ahead next week yet again. I've been taking zinc and iron but think I need a multi on top. NOT PREGANT don't worry just over worked and underpaid lol
    Take care, Chris.


  7. Superglue is so dangerous! No matter how careful I am, I always end up sticking my fingers together!!

    Another sign that we are kindred spirits, Carly - I love Mrs Doubtfire. It was one of our many favourite childhood movies. Along with Home Alone, Wizard of Oz, Big, Princess Bride. All of which I own on DVD and watch way to regularly!

  8. Isn't Ethiopian food the greatest? I've only had it twice but it's sooo delicious!


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