
24 March 2010

Best sleeping bag ever, list of things to do, tee shirt and brooch.

Blah blah blah, sleeping bags won't draw readers to this blog entry. Or will they?? (You may be surprised, given my lack of outdoorsy love, I actually own a sleeping bag and like using it!)

I digress.

Brea pointed this out to me. She found it over at The Blogess.

This is the king of awesome sleeping bag.

Laying in something that looks like a sleeping bear will probably protect you from an oncoming bear.

I love it! And I want one.

You can view more bear sleeping bag goodness here.

In other news, I am busy and worn out just thinking of the things coming up. They are good things though. I wish there were more hours in the day.

Tonight: Body Balance class, then calling into Coles (Showgrounds Village - how I love thee!) to buy some milk, sago and custard powder, then cooking Custard Melkkos with said ingredients for Harmony Day (it's a food from my homeland - South Africa).
Tomorrow: Harmony Day event I am organising at work.
Tomorrow night: Angus and Julia Stone concert - hurrah!
Friday morning 6 am (!!): Nova Comedy Festival breakfast - I go EVERY year and I love it. Wouldn't miss it
Friday: Work
Friday night: Body Balance
Saturday: Uni from 9 am til 3 pm, and then catching up with friends involved in the Grand Prix.
Sunday: catching up with Hayley, finally!
Sunday night: cooking dinner for a friend.

Between those things, I may be seeing another friend to give her the Kurt Cobain book I bought for her on Ebay, and I need to do uni reading, and I also need to work on that writing opportunity.

Phew! Bring on the long weekend next week.

Two more things:

This arrived in the mail today, from Forever 21.

Isn't it cute! I will wear it bellydancing next term.

And my elephant necklace-turned-brooch was shipped from Tennessee. I fell in love with it when I saw it on Etsy, and I bought it straight away. A work friend has also bought the necklace.

The lovely creator and seller, Nikki, has made the elephant into a brooch for me because I worry that as a necklace it will scratch me. The store is called Untamed Menagerie - you should check it out - they have beautiful stuff.

I'm over and out, got to relax before I begin to check things off my to do list.


  1. Oh my what a fabulous sleeping bag.....however may casuse comments like : "Who's been sleeping in MY bag" !! It's wonderful !!

  2. Hi girl:)
    South Africa...that is really cool...i went to the movies yesterday - i saw Envictus - and it was amazing:)

    Mandela must be a very intelligent man... me thinks...
    And as for your plans...

    You are going to the gym - YEAAAAHHHH
    It sounds like you will do a lot of very nice things:)

    Have a good day Carly...SP

  3. I love the elephant necklace/brooch.

    SSG xxx

  4. OK - so I took the English option of my heritage and made it much easier on myself post gym.
    All the food I am taking to Harmony Day is no-cook and English.
    One of the benefits of coming from cross-cultural parents!

  5. Oh I'm so glad you liked it. I knew you would! It's SOO CUTE and made me think immediately of you all snuggled up inside.

  6. Ha, I am laughing at the thought of anything being even remotely funny at 6am! So not a morning person. :)

  7. great sleeping bag! and super cute necklace. i love animals on necklaces!

  8. Oooo totally checking out that Etsy shop - I collect elephant stuff, I just LOVE them. Just bought a pair of elephant earrings from the Glamourai on etsy. Judging by your schedule, you are like me: can't sit still for very long doing nothing lol.

  9. That Etsy store has now been favourited for future purchasing :)


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