
31 January 2010

To pool, or not to pool?

The world's most livable city, Melbourne, is right now an unlivable city for me.

It's about a hundred and eleventy degrees. Ok so the BOM says it's 34.5 degrees celsius. It doesn't feel like it.

To make up for the Body Balance class I missed on Friday due to soreness, I am going to a pilates class tonight. To keep up, and because the gym is airconditioned.

And then after class, I am considering going to have a sit in the swimming pool at the gym.

I don't know if this will be a good idea.

I have not been in a swimming pool since I was about seven years old, camping at Porepunkah. I don't think that was such a bad experience.

I went to the beach last January. I was quite covered up, and there were medical staff there. The people I was with weren't worried what I looked like.

If I wear my bathers to the pool (and yes I have a sexy mismatched two piece), I will be nervous. I haven't revealed so much of my body to another person for some years and some (but not many!) kilos.

I am worried about how my skin will go in the chlorine, but then again, the doctor suggested I have a bleach bath (yes, I know, BLEACH!!) and they did me no harm.

Google told me my skin may be ok in the chlorine. I am still dubious.

Then again, I could just sit in the bath filled with cold, fresh water at home.

I wish I could be like other people and give it no thought to whether I have a dip in the pool or at the beach. I wish I didn't have to consider the sun, the chlorine, the onlookers.

Decisions, decisions.

To pool, or not to pool? To cool or not to cool?


  1. I think you should go for a swim, try it out and if it isn't any good at least then you'll know for next time. Maybe to protect your skin more and if you're worried about revealing your body you could get a wetsuit, I know they're uncomfortable but if it will help you feel more relaxed about the chlorine, sun and people...
    Though I think went it comes to people you're usually pretty good at shrugging off what others say and getting out there no matter what, from what I've read of your life and the photos, you got to so many places!, which is awesome :)

  2. POOL

    fck what other people think!

  3. Just pool it if the doctor gives you the go. I am more concerned about what the chlorine will do to your skin...rather than what the other people will think of you. I really hate it when people pass judgments so easily on other people.

  4. The pool is indoors. So that rules out sunburn!

  5. Good for you! Evan swims at our public pool year round. I know Netherton's is quite different from EHK but he has had nothing but good luck when it comes to swimming and his skin. Oh my is it hot in Melbourne! It is freezing cold here in Maine, humidifiers on round the clock and limited play outside.


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