
18 March 2015

The most important thing I have learnt since my first blog post post.

A blogging agency asked the question: show us your first blog post, and what have you learnt since then? Such a great question!

This was my first post.

Since that post, I've learnt it's not about how many people visit my blog a day, but the difference I can make to just one person through sharing an authentic, engaging story on my blog.

So many people have told me they read my blog and now have hope for them or their child, that they're no longer alone, and that they feel empowered to tell their story. I've met some amazing people through sharing my story of living with a rare severe skin condition and visible difference.

I've fostered a supportive, inclusive and educated community - and soon I'll be bringing that community from on screen to 'real life' in Australia's first meet for patients and families affected by Ichthyosis. More than 70 people have registered - eager to make friends within the Ichthyosis community. People believe in me because of my blog, and they've donated money and products to support the event. For that I am so grateful.

Carly Findlay holding giant cheque from Awesome Foundation

Thanks to The Awesome Foundation Melbourne for believing in the Australian Ichthyosis Meet to throw it a $1000 grant, and to all of the individual financial donors and to the companies who have provided products for the goodie bags. I can't wait to reveal who has come on board!And thanks to the Ichthyosis patients and families for getting involved, helping out and seeing the importance of a social meet. 

What have you learnt since you started blogging?


  1. Hi Carly, I've only found your blog just not long ago but you have been an inspiration to me as who you are. You have that authenticity on your writing even if I've not met you. Now that is magnificent! Thank you once again for being who you are and sharing your life here on the World Wide Web to be an encourager for some one here in Bangkok:) Cheers!

    1. That is so lovely! I don't think I've had a reader tell me they're from Bangkok before :) great to meet you and thank you for reading! I will check out your blog now c

  2. You and your blogging, and the work you are building around the blog, are going from strength to strength, and making a difference! So amazing, Carly!

    1. Thank you so much. Am really proud :) it's been worth it


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