
01 December 2014

Powerful friendships are made online.

I went to a blogging awards party on the weekend. It was so good to catch up with online friends in person. I took three photos the entire night - before the event. I sent one tweet. Connection in person took precedence.

There was hugs, air kissing, and some bloggers are lip kissers. It was a reunion with old friends. And a celebration of all bloggers involved in the Voices of 2014 program.

The hands-down most asked question for me was "how's the wedding planning going/when's the big day?". (Good, when we can afford it!)

A friend (Aleney from Boy Eats World) told me that her favourite thing on the Internet is seeing Adam and my romance blossom. How lovely is that?!

Also, I was SO impressed at how many people I talked to said the phrase 'appearance diversity'. people really get it. This passion of mine is really making a ripple.

Last week I had a fleeting visit to Canberra. The first person I bumped into when I arrived at the airport was the beautiful Connie Johnson from Love Your Sister. For those following the LYS journey, Connie is doing well, speaking and promoting the cause a lot. She recognised me, we had a great chat. It was the first time I've spoken to her outside of a LYS event. She couldn't wait to take a selfie.

I met Connie through this blog - just one of the amazing friendship and connection to a cause that's happened since I started writing here five years ago this month.

Putting our lives online through blogging and social media is a risk. But it's such a GOOD risk as it means we meet amazing, talented, likeminded and kind people who we probably wouldn't get to know this well if we passed them in the street.

And the level of kindness far outweighs the real and perceived level of nastiness through using social media. (Ironically I've been writing a piece on what it feels like to go viral, as well as preparing a thank you happy birthday giveaway for my blog. Such contrasts!)

A HUGE thank you to everyone who has taken the time to get to know me and befriend me online. Even more hugs if it's extended to 'real life'.

What a wonderful thing blogging is.



  1. It's a great honour calling you my friend, Carly!

    SSG xxx

  2. I love it! And I wish we had more opportunities to spend time with fellow bloggers in person.

  3. I loved connecting with you in real time after reading your blog for so long Carly!


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I really appreciate the time you've taken to write to me, and to share something about yourself.