
03 March 2014

My skin hunger has been satisfied.

I've written a lot about how my skin was hungry. Hungry for moisture, but also hungry for touch. For so long I yearned to be touched - dreaming of the times to come, remembering how long it had been since. Skin hunger is sensory deprivation, and it's proven to result in a failure to thrive.

And now, I am touched, often.

My boy, he wants to touch me, and he doesn't hold back for fear he might hurt me, or that much of me will end up on him (it's inevitable with Ichthyosis).

He can't get close enough, asking me to stop what I'm doing for a hug, holding my hand when we walk and drawing me close when we stop to wait for traffic to pass.

My skin hunger being satisfied has changed my life. At times my skin feels as smooth as his. I don't wake up as scaly as I used to and I haven't had an infection for months. Touch really does soothe it. Loving touch is healing. It's more than pleasurable, it's life-giving.

I'm a marsupial in the warm pouch of his arms.

I fall asleep on his chest, my ear hearing that his heart beats fastest when I'm close.

He's the big spoon and I'm the little one, my body shining with warmth.

His touch is a salve - as critical to my needs as my cream is.

Some have said I'm glowing since I've found this love.

I think he's my sunshine, making me glow, and grow.

My skin hunger is satisfied and it's most wonderful. I'm thriving.

 "The pressure of the hands causes the springs of life to flow. - Tokujiro Namikoshi "

Visit my series on skin hunger:


Skin hunger

Interview with sex worker Rachel Wotton

This skin, it's hungry

Interview on ABC Radio National Life Matters



  1. this makes me smile, Carly. I love this.

  2. I am so very very happy for you Carly. Love is such a wonderful thing and pure love comes with total acceptance of who we are. You are blessed to be loved in such a is your partner :) x

  3. I needed this warm, vulnerable, wholehearted post this morning. Im thinking that he is also gaining alot from being n your arms too x

  4. What a delightful post. I'm so happy for you ... both! :)

  5. This is lovely Carly - so glad you are so much in love.

  6. Just so darn happy for you, Carly and The Boy. x

  7. Just so darn happy for you, Carly and The Boy. x

  8. Ain't nuttin' better than a spoon, am I right?

  9. I am so, so happy for you Carly. Long may you love.

  10. I always think it is the 'big spoon' who gains the most. So as much as you feel satisfied by touch you are giving even more back in return

  11. Carly, I heard you on Darren Hayes' talk radio show. You have gone through a lot as a child with your skin condition, and I just want to say "You are beautiful person inside and out!" I am soo happy for you, and I hope you continue to feed your hunger!

  12. Carly, I heard you on Darren Hayes' talk radio show. You have gone through a lot as a child with your skin condition, and I just want to say "You are beautiful person inside and out!" I am soo happy for you, and I hope you continue to feed your hunger!

  13. I am sorry if this posts twice. Carly I heard you on Darren Hayes' talk radio show, and I just wanted to say "You are a beautiful person inside and out!" I am so happy that you have been able to feed your hunger!


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