
22 February 2014

Rest in peace Charlotte Dawson.

Social media has put me in touch with so many people from all walks of life - some of these people have been celebrities that I chat to regularly on Twitter.

This morning Charlotte Dawson was found dead in her Sydney home.

Charlotte was often on the receiving end of online bullying. She attempted to take her life in 2012 after an onslaught of attacks via Twitter. Charlotte was open about her depression, which I'm sure helped others to feel less alone.

She was a huge advocate for people who were bullied online, and involved in charity work supporting mental health. She fought for the underdog. She was so warm, she took care of people there and took those fragile people - just like herself - under her wing. She looked after people on Twitter, supporting them and encouraging them.

Charlotte and I have been friends on Twitter for a couple of years now, tweeting to each other regularly. When I was in hospital in 2012, she told me the food I was photographing looked delicious and that she wanted some, and we laughed (virtually) about how it was the first time hospital food looked so desirable! She gave me her phone number too, in case I needed to talk. I sent her a few messages - namely to see how she was during her publicly difficult times. She cheered me on empathetically during my Reddit experience. Yesterday she tweeted me. Saying she was a fan of my blog, and to keep blogging. I thanked her but wish I had have asked her if she was ok.

I feel sad. I didn't know her for her celebrity, TV hosting or modelling work. I knew her for her words alone. Online friendships, they're real, you know. I didn't know Charlotte Dawson away from Twitter, but I feel like I knew what she stood for.

Her death is so tragic. She was present on our TV screens and she reached out to so many yet must have felt terribly alone. Depression does not discriminate.

Rest in peace, Charlotte Dawson. Thank you for the tweets. Thank you for the friendship. My thoughts are with your family and friends - I know they're hurting right now.

If you need to talk to someone, please contact Lifeline: 13 11 14.



  1. I do have not know Charlotte Dawson becasue I never watch commercial TV or read fashion/who who mags , but news of this womans death immediately struck me as aweful. IShe was obviously connected with a tangibale support structure with people such s you Carly. She connecte with people. This is what we are told to do to decrease the risk of death if you ( or a friend) suffer depression.
    It is baffling that she connected with you ( and others???) not long before she died.
    Perhaps we are guilty of not being brave to share deeper ( and durable, stronger) connections, even when our friends appear to be well. I guess this is the challenge... to be closer regardless of whether they are overtly well or unwell.
    Funny, that some people only gather around the sick and frail (the god botherers and rescuers), whilst others only gather around the 'well'.

    And as for bullying. There is no place.
    As for messing with childrens minds about their look (beautiful or 'ugly'), this also something that we need to be thoughtful of.

    Thanks for your post Carly. I hope that your blog generates more interest in Charlotte's cause.
    Cheers, Fiona

  2. I agree with your comments about online friendships. Its hard to reach out to those we don't truly know. I watched 60 minutes last week when they interviewed Scott miller. I instantly wondered how charlotte was doing. I hope charlotte finds peace and you keep blogging. We lost a special person who we'll always remember.

  3. Charlotte thought so highly of you, and it's clear that the two of you were kindred spirits. We have lost one ballsy woman. Peace out xoxo

  4. Loved reading your blog! Thank you beautiful girl! May Charlotte RIP - such a sad loss.....

  5. Big hugs to you lady. <3

  6. Hi Carly, I sat next to you at dinner earlier this evening! I was racking my brain because I knew I had seen you before but I just couldn't remember where. Then I remembered that you're the girl who stood up against those horrible bullies. I saw your story everywhere- it was one of the most inspiring I've read. Keep up all the amazing work you do, I wish I had said hi to you! Perhaps I'll run into you down the track (I'm an RMIT Comms gal too) keep rockin! Felicia Coco :)

  7. Hi Carly
    I do not know Charlotte Dawson but I can see that you have made an impact on her life. May her soul rest in peace. It is clear that you labour with love! Keep on being an inspiration and you would surely be blessed! You have inspired me to reach out to others who might just need a few minutes of my time even if it means listening to them. One can do many works but when it is done without love then it goes unnoticed by the Lord and it will not be blessed. You represent Love strong courageous Woman


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