
06 October 2013

Stuff I love: Tim Minchin's Occasional Address - and more

This is the stuff I love at the moment:

I am such a fan of Tim Minchin. He's a brilliant creative mind, a writer I admire. I feel lucky to have seen Matilda The Musical in London - a stage play he wrote and directed. I met him twice - once at the taping of Adam Hills and the other time on the plane from London to Los Angeles.

Tim gave an occasional address to graduating students at the University of Western Australia. His words struck deep. You need to watch this. His advice is funny, wise and will equip these graduates (and us) with words for life.

(source and text)

"It’s an incredibly exciting thing, this one, meaningless life of yours. Good luck." - Tim Minchin, 2013

I went to the Finders Keepers market in Melbourne yesterday. It's held twice a year and I've been to quite a few now. I love seeing regular faces there, and gazing at the arts and crafts. It's held at the Royal Exhibition Building, Carlton - what a gorgeous building!

I fell in love with Winter Avenue Press illustrations at Finders Keepers, and bought myself this beautiful wooden illustrated pendant. Love!

Pip Lincolne is always sharing great blogging and social tips and this week was no exception. She wrote a useful post on photo apps, and I downloaded three of those that she mentioned. I used A Beautiful Mess when promoting my last post and it worked a treat! Thanks Pip!

I made an awesome frittata on Sunday night - and I ate slices of it for breakfast after the gym each morning. It was so delicious and packed with goodness: potato, sweet potato, asparagus, cherry tomatoes, snow peas, bocconcini, garlic and lemon rind - and eggs, milk and pepper of course. Yum!

I loved Leisa’s post on the confrontation faced when your disability is depicted on the screen. A beautiful read.

I also loved Stella Young's letter to her younger self published on ABC Ramp Up.

And look at this picture shared by ABC Radio National (who post the most wonderful photos and quotes on their Facebook page).

It's by Polish artist Natalia Rak and titled Lost at E Minor. There's some more photos of the artist's process here.

Finally, this warms my heart: my wonderful, driven, talented creative and passionate friend Cheryl Lin, who blogs at Business Chic, has quit her corporate day job to focus on a creative career. I am so proud of her! And inspired!

What are you loving?



  1. Thank you for the mention... and for this lovely chatty glimpse into what you are up to, too! xx

  2. I also love the wall art and think it would be cool to have an apartment opposite. In my perfect would I would like to see her age as the tree grows and vary in height to show the passing of time.

  3. The artwork is 'Legend of the Giants' :) Lost at E Minor is a nifty site/Facebook page that posts rad stuff like that artwork.

  4. Love love Tim Minchin!!
    {and that painting is absolutely amazing!!!}x

  5. Thank you for including me in this post, Carly! Much love that Tim Minchin clip and omg your frittata looks crazy delicious- nice cookin'!


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