
01 June 2012

Tim Ferguson interview

Tim Ferguson is a well known comedian and writer. He has performed with the Doug Anthony All Stars, hosted and starred in many TV shows, starred as Frankenfurter in a Sydney production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show and now lectures in comedy and screenwriting at RMIT University. Tim has just performed at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival in a show called Carry a Big Stick

Tim has Multiple Sclerosis (MS) which is a disease of the nervous system, affecting a person's brain and spinal cord. The symptoms of MS were present since Tim's youth - “the symptoms came and went, like teenage sailors on shore leave, since I was 19-years-old. The actual ‘Look what you’ve got’ diagnosis was late-90’s”, Tim says. He was lovely enough to do an interview for me, and I love his answers!

Carly: How has it affected your comedy career? Did you reveal it to your comedy colleagues and the public straight away?

Tim: “I kept it to myself and a tiny inner-circle. Figured it was nobody’s damn business. And it would only freak them out, like any other thing that’s a little mysterious and scary (ask any teenage sailor on their first shore leave).”

While you say you don't want to educate people about MS, you are educating people about disability by getting out there and living life to the full and remaining positive. What's the importance of this?

“When I say I don’t feel compelled to ‘raise awareness’, I mean there are people far better placed to do this. Doctors and medical specialists can provide the public with credible information. Everybody is ‘aware’ MS exists, and that life goes on.

I live my life at full capacity, because that’s the way I’ve always lived. I walk slowly, sure, but I carry a big stick. I travel the globe teaching the craft of writing comedy. I wrote a comedy-writing manual (The Cheeky Monkey [Currency Press]) to give the keys to comedy to tortured writers. I’m making TV, books, live shows, a movie, and sweet love to a woman whose beauty and brains are way outta my league. I just do it at my own quirky pace.

People with any disability know they have 2 choices: laugh or cry. The wise ones feel free to do both, with as much optimism and tenacity as possible.

If anyone wants to see the way I live as an example for their own life, I can’t stop them. But I’m sure they’ve learnt to rely on their own inner-strength. That’s the gift of a disability – it’s a good teacher.”

How does comedy and laughter help your health?

“Doctors don’t know why, but laughter increases endorphins, adrenalin and blood-flow. It’s tied to the fear/flight response somehow. A sense of humour is crucial for anyone calling themself human. Sex and money comes to those who laugh”.

Why do you think it's important to have a positive attitude?

“Seriously?! Does that need to be asked?
Sigh… okay. Because life is a crazy, impossibly unlikely miracle. Even the freedom to feel miserable and negative is an extraordinary, wonderful thing.

For all we know, we’re the only sentient beings in the galaxy.

Most people in the West have breakfast every day, even if it may be through a tube. This makes us part of a minority.That has to stand for something!

Now, please get out of my bathroom”.


  1. I love Tim Ferguson. I also love his attitude. Great interview, thank you Carly.

  2. "People with any disabilityknow they have 2 choices: laugh or cry. The wise ones feel free to doboth, with as much optimism and tenacity as possible".

    Love this.

    PS this interview made me nostalgic for DAAS, will now have to waste my day on YouTube ;)

  3. Great interview! I'm a huge fan of DAAS so I loved this :)

  4. Hi sweety!
    Wow what a great job!

    Your blog is really moving up :)

    From Norway have a great day

  5. "People with any disability know they have 2 choices: laugh or cry. The wise ones feel free to do both, with as much optimism and tenacity as possible".

    I love this quote too!! And feel that's the way I perceive it too!!

  6. Would love to know who that lucky woman is.

  7. "Sex and money come to those who laugh." I love this - think it should be on a bumper sticker.
    Great post and interview Carly.

  8. Great interview! "People with any disability know they have 2 choices: laugh or cry. The wise ones feel free to do both, with as much optimism and tenacity as possible". That quote is incredible.

  9. So enjoyed reading this interview, Carly. What an awesome human being with an awesome attitude.


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