
28 May 2012

Six tips for new bloggers

Last week I received an email from a new blogger. She wanted some tips about what makes a successful blog. While I don't proclaim to be an expert at blogging, I've been at it a while and had some pretty exciting personal successes through my blog. I started a blog to practice and showcase my writing. It's certainly given me a lot of exposure and opportunities - and I am so into blogging I am doing a Masters thesis about it, plus flying to New York for BlogHer.

Here are my tips that I told my new blogging friend.

Start up and stick with it

A successful blog takes time. So many people tell me they want to start a blog, but then make excuses for not doing so - they don't have time, they are afraid of putting themselves out there etc. Start up and stick with it. Set aside some time each week to start with, and then a few times a week when you get the swing of things. So many new bloggers give up very quickly. I had been blogging for a while before I found my voice, and became a part of the community. Writing a blog is good writing practice. And also good photography practice, and I think it really teaches you observation skills. Everything's a story. Sarah from That Space in Between said to keep blogging even when no one is commenting. Write what you are passionate about, again, even if no one is commenting, it will make you feel good writing about your passion.

Write from the heart

Write from the heart. You'll find your own voice soon enough, and your readers will appreciate your writing a lot. Be honest and authentic, but also know when to draw the line with how much you reveal. I guess put your best self forward on the internet. You never know who is going to read it! Oh and ensure good spelling, punctuation and grammar too! Sometimes it can be strange to have people know you through your blog. But it's flatering too.


I definitely think blogging 60% content creation and 40% self promotion. I have Twitter, Facebook, Linked In and Google Plus plus Instagram. I promote my blog A LOT, but I also interact with my readers and the blogging community though social media, and find new blogs to read. Social media is two-way, and it's fun! I leave comments on other blogs too. I have definitely made a few good "real life" friends through blogging who I catch up with regularly. Take advantage of blog meet ups. Conferences, dinners etc. Blogopolis and ProBlogger conferences are is coming up in Australia soon - I recommend attending these for networking and learning. (I'm not able to go to Blogopolis because I'll be on my way to London!) Plus interaction with other bloggers makes you feel good. It's a real privilege receiving comments and having readers open up by sharing your stories after you've shared yours.

Here are my social media buttons if you want to connect with me.


Be prepared for criticism. You will get it. I find that the blogging community has cushioned me - I wrote for the Punch and got FLAMED yet on my blog I mostly get love. I also have learnt to know that if someone visits my blog for the first time, it may be out of context. I wrote a post about Typo's use of the word "retard" on a card, and I had first time visitors pulling m down, and not understanding the context of why I blogged about that issue (disability activism). Try not to let the trolls (usually anon commenters) get you down.  Sometimes it can hurt, especially if it's a personal attack on your character. But my experience has been that once you've found a place in the blog community, they'll have your back.

Seek permission from others if you are going to write about them. And keep work/blog boundaries.

Think about whose story you are telling? Is it your own, or are you unwittingly bringing someone else into the story? I made a mistake two weeks ago - I blogged about a conversation I had on a friend's Facebook wall. One of her friends had a go at me for not being a mother. I wrote about it, in a broader context, but without permission. My friend read it, got angry and we are no longer friends. I guess be prepared that you may upset someone you know. Usually I am so diligent in asking permission about who I write about and put pictures up of. That guy who broke my heart - permission sought. When I write about work (not often) - permission sought. I also keep my blog/social media life VERY separate from my day job. Work knows about my blog and freelance and TV, but I don't write about work (unless it has been relevant here). We have a strict social media policy. I don't want to get caught out. If you have a day job, keep this in mind. If your blog IS your day job - that is great!


You can make money from your blog. if you are going to monetise your blog, be authentic about it. Disclose that you were paid, or got something for free, and write your sponsored posts with heart. But don't expect to make a lot of money straight away (I haven't!!). And there may also be some backlash from readers for monestising. Lots of bloggers make money, but as Nikki Parkinson from Styling You (Australia's best blogger 2011) says, "don't look over the blogging fence, focus on your own backyard". The money I've made from my blog hasn't entirely been through advertising - it's been through freelance writing too. So try to make money because of your blog, not on your blog. If you are an artist or crafter, use it to promote your work. Same if you're a writer - it's a great way of building a portfolio and having writing picked up for other publications.

I hope these help you if you're thinking about starting a blog too.

And bloggers - do you have any tips to share? Would love to learn from you.


  1. Sounds like really good advice Carly and very kind of you to offer help to beginners as it must be so daunting when first starting out.
    You are admired in the cyber/real world because you do write from the heart and keep your blog honest and authentic and I for one truelly respect you for that.
    Thankyou for always keeping it real.I hope any new bloggers appreciate your great advice. xx

  2. Great advice Carly! I would add, have a reason for your blog. Don't have a blog "because everyone has one" it will die if you don't have some kind of reason for it being. The reason can be anything, but it is more than just "I want a blog".

    I LOVE getting comments but the reality is my blog is about me be aware of the good stuff in life. So even when I don't have commenters or someone stops following my blog, it doesn't get me down because it is still living up to its primary purpose - recording things that make me happy!

  3. Thanks Carly for the advice. Your words of wisdom are very timely as I'm newish to blogging and was starting to lose motivation. Will follow your example and STICK WITH IT! :)

  4. Thanks for the shout out carly...I never thought of blogging advice and me in the same sentence! I love blogging, I think when I started 8 months ago I figured that someone would be banging on my door two days later with a book deal and a didn't happen. I LOVE meeting all the lovely new people I have met, I love that making money has unexpectedly been provided by freelance gigs and I love that I don't know where it will take me x

  5. Thanks Carly for the tips!! All 6 will be beneficial for me! Now all I need is an editor since my writing skills could use it! :-)

  6. Great post, Carly.

    My advice would be: be prepared to keep learning and updating. Blogs are not like websites that maybe you can create then walk away. If you don't keep writing, then you blog doesn't keep growing. On the learning side, things change online all the time so you have to be prepared to keep reading and learning new stuff.

  7. Fantastic post, Carly. Consistency with all that you do around blogging is a key thing. From writing posts, to promoting those posts and your blog. Thanks for the mention x

  8. Great post Carly, thank you! I have just started a blog and was having doubts about continuing. I'm finding it had to gain momentum and readers but I will persevere. Your tips were really helpful! I do really enjoy it and I'm still learning. I'll treat it as a work in progress. Thanks again.

  9. Great tips, Carly. I think the promotion is the one thing people don't realise when they come into blogging. And yes, it takes time. But getting on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest etc is worth the extra connections you can make with people who think just like you. x

  10. Great advice! thank you! As a new blogger I often find myself lost and wondering why, and feeling a bit awkward if there are no comments, and no point. Perspective found - so thank you!

  11. Thanks for these tips, I'm fairly new to this committed blogging stuff, but I have been blogging on and off for a few years. I have decided to keep my blog pretty clear of personal stuff, so the whole "voice" thing and writing from the heart has been the most difficult part for me. I'm going to follow your first tip and keep trying my little heart out. I hope to pick up some tips at NNB2012 too.

  12. Thanks for a great post Carly, some food for thought there! xx

  13. your suggestion are very good for new blogger who want to start own blogs. Never look for return in the begining, untill the blog get stablize

  14. Thank you for the helpful info, most valuable for me a first time, soon to be blogger.


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