
25 February 2012

Lazy blogging

It's been a draining week. Some parts good, some parts bad. At one stage, I'd had such an awful day and a sore face that I'd forgot to eat dinner, took a phenergan and drank a glass of wine, not remembering I had taken the phenergan. Very rockstar indeed. That night's sleep commenced at around 8.30 pm and the next morning when I woke up, it was like the previous day had never happened.

All I can say is I have a new found appreciation for coconut shellers and book spirallers.

I'm exhausted, and it's taking too much brainpower and warmth to write the Roxette review, so you'll have to make-do with this picture for now.

My renewed passport arrived I spent yesterday after work writing to and calling the airlines to check out the rules about carrying liquid paraffin on board and in stowed luggage - it is more complex than I imagined.
I have been making mini pizzas for weekend lunches lunch and quick dinners. They are yum!
The toilet sign outside the Roxette green room.
 Dinner at the night markets - I am going again this Wednesday.
I received a call yesterday from ABC Local Radio in Canberra, asking if I could speak on Monday. I said yes - it's a great opportunity - and will be speaking about beauty and what it's like to look so visibily different in a beauty focused world. I'll be on at 2.30 pm AEDST You can stream the program at

Also, if you could pop over to BlogHer and vote for my blog entry - I may get a chance to read it out at the conference in NYC. Thank you :)

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, rest up! This heat is not helping anyone either - take it easy, mate!
    How exciting is a new shiney passport, ready for adventures!!


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