
16 October 2011

The week in iPhone pictures

It's been a while since I blogged about the mundane. You know, every day stuff. And so here you go. My week (ish) in pictures. Not in chronological order.

Turning into a vain princess

I had filming for No Limits yesterday. The final shoot of the season. And last shoot I had my hair curled and a bit of lipstick applied. And in three weeks I have purchased three lip glosses and a hair curler. 

My face was a bit sore yesterday, and I have a mild cold, so being pampered was just what I needed. And it was so nice to have someone pay attention to making me look good - I find that really hard to come by with hairdressers.

Even though I was a lot redder than usual, the lovely make-up artist made sure my lippie stood out. Wow. I never thought the day would come when I'd get a little excited over make-up and hair.

No Limits fun

It is always fun on set! Yesterday it seemed pretty quiet around the traps though. We all arrived at different times. We managed to snap this photo between episodes. Pictured: Elvira, Phin and Louis.

And the cast and crew also did this recording/photo in support of the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Once again I was a shrinking violet and hung back in the shadows.

Prawn tacos

I made the most wonderful mid-week dinner. Prawn tacos. I was inspired by Sydney Shop Girl, remembering that she'd made them, and so I had to google the ingredients and then go abd buy them after work. It's really easy.

Make a salad out of red cabbage, carrots, coriander and spring onions.

 I grated the carrots and chopped the other vegies.
 Cook the prawns - I cooked them in a little organic salted butter from Tasmania.
Mix up a dressing of mayonnaise and sour cream (and horseradish, but I couldn't find any) and lime juice. Mum bought me the cool lime squeezer. I also have a lemon squeezer similar.
Assemble tacos on a tortilla. I added some jalapeno salsa. Because I am addicted to the stuff and eat it by the spoonful.
 Fold in half and eat. Yummmmm.

Tweeting the the stars

I put a tweet out about Neighbours. And then to my surprise, one of my favourite singers, Bob Evans, tweeted me back!

And again! That's when good rockstars and fans become good tweeters. Indeed.
 Tweet of the Month


Speaking of Twitter, I was featured Tweet of the Month in Shop til You Drop magazine. They had a special about shopping away a sucky day - including what the buy when you have a broken heart. How apt. So I tweeted. 

My Tweet of the Month resulted in much teasing by my friends though. 


A friend and I went to the much hyped Mamasita restuarant. Wow. It was amazing. A bit of a queue. But so amazing!

Two margaritas on a school night. This one was citrus with vanilla salt.

Corn on the cob - the most amazing corn we'd ever had. And that salsa in the background - wow!! The corn had spices and cheese on it.
 Ceviche - market fish in coconut milk and lime. It was tart and refreshing and delicious.
Tortilla. This was the lamb one, with cheese and lemon. We stacked it with that salsa, which made it even better.
Goat and corn. It was great. Quite a big serving. My friend had two pieces of goat. I had one.
And this was fantastic - corn icecream with caramelised popcorn!
 Here is Mitch with our second serving of corn. We got hungry.
By this time it was already 9.00pm and we'd been there for over three hours. People were still queuing. We felt quite special to be there eating and drinking at the bar.

The service was attentive and really quick. The noise level was good. It was very trendy in there. The food was amazing - definitely not your Taco Bill type Mexican. I highly recommend eating at Mamasita. 

Mitch and I met in about 1993 when his brother was my wardmate in hospital. His family and I have been friends ever since. launch was launched in a 30 minute lunch break on Thursday.

My friend, work and uni colleague Jess created the site and social media strategy, and I provided most of the content. Here I am pressing publish.

Hooray for!


  1. This post made me so hungry with all the amazing looking food. I may need to have a middle of the night (here in Canada at least) snack now.

  2. I have a recipe I knocked up for that corn on my bloggy yaaaayaayayayayayayaayaaaaaa it's the bestest!!!

  3. The food photos don't interest me at all, but those first two photos of you are really good. That makeup girl clearly knows her job. The darker lipstick has the effect of lessening the redness of your face a bit, you look really good there.

  4. I love that you recorded the moment of launching your website - that's fantastic!

  5. Ooh congrats on the website launch, just checked it out and it looks fantastic! Jess is talented!

    I love your "mundane" post, with all its variety and everyday-ness.

    And now I have to check out Mamasita, that food looks amazing!

  6. Those are really mouthwatering treats.
    I really love foods..

    I think all of you also?? :)

    *** button slim fit suits

  7. Ok I simply must go to Mamasita soon! Drool. Your top looks fab ;)
    Heidi xo

  8. Those first two photos ... wow. You are so beautiful Carly. That food looks scrumptious too!


  9. Thanks for the compliments on my cooking :)
    And thank younEden for saying I'm beautiful xx


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